03: The Attempts

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Should I feel worse too, before I will be better? How if I'll be worst first but I'll never get away from the shackle of pains?


I spend the whole afternoon in our condo. Ariana is still sleeping, which is super good thing for her, than seeing her crying again. I just sat in the couch and I received a message from my management.

Demi, you need to go to E! studio, tomorrow morning with Ariana. We already told her management and approved it. You need to clear all things tomorrow.

This is full of shits. I know our managements care about our names but I don't know if I am ready for this. Is Ariana even ready to answer the questions that, of course, includes her shattered relationship with Harry. Because honestly, I think I can't.

But this afternoon, Louis unexpectedly visited or just came to say that the two, Harry and Niall are very helpless and lifeless. But who am I to care? There are Selena and Taylor that can help them.

I just know one thing, we're done with all of them.


I'm here in our flat and Taylor is the one who knocked the door. Me and Zayn are shocked and we didn't know what we'll do. Louis isn't here also. I don't or we don't even want to see her here.

"Hi, Li. Are you okay, it seems like you saw a monster?" Taylor said nicely as she noticed my facial expression.

Yes, a monster. I wish I could say that loud. A monster, a relationship wrecker, friendship wrecker, a desperate woman. Too many painful words that I want to say. But I think Louis will be the one who can say that.

"Why are you here?" I asked and sounds also nice but inside I want to be rude and mean.

"I would like to visit Harry, you know... It's been a month since I saw him." She said and smiles.

Oh, God, please remove any bad spirit whose inside of her. Please pull her away, take her to any place, please. No one wants she here, even if this flat have feelings, this flat don't want her footsteps here.

"Where is he?" She asked enthusiastically.

"He's in his room slee - - " I was cut off when she immediately step inside and run upstairs.

"Zayn? What we will do?" I asked him and he gave me a look saying, I don't know.

We need Louis right now, to stop all this craziness happening this time and the craziness that is happening to her.


I want to visit Harry, that's why I'm here at their flat. Now that Hariana is over it's time to bring back Haylor. It's our time. I don't know what happened to Ariana. Her manager said that she is taking a short break due to some stress. Good for her. She needs to shut up even a little or maybe permanently.

I'm here in front of Harry's room. I opened it and entered. I saw him sleeping, with towel on his forehead, a basin in a table. Is he drunk? Of course, he is. The way his body that was dragged in the bed, his pale skin, maybe super drunk.

I went to him, I heard a little snores and he's shirtless, as I saw many inks in his body. I sat in the bed and start playing his curly hair. Finally, I can take him back.

"Ariana?" He moaned, but he didn't open her eyes.

Why Ariana!? Why is still her!? What should I do to let him forget her? I don't what I'm doing, but I just hugged him.

"Ariana? Is that you?" He still slurs, but I didn't answer and he just hugged me back.

I want him to be with me. I want him back to me. Like the first one, I know Harry still have feelings for me, I really wish he will love me again like he did to her. We're still hugging each other, while we're on the bed.

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