29: The Song

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It brought back all the memories with him, the ups and downs with him.


I just woke up from a beautiful and comfortable sleep. I'm still not opening my eyes but I already feel a beautiful sunlight flashing through windows. The birds' chirps gives more wonderful effect. The cold air that gave me goosebumps. Mostly, the comfy bed and sheets where I just slept.

"Love snuggling with me?" I opened my eyes and saw Harry, looking and smirking at me.

My eyes widened and I just noticed it right now, that I wrapped both of my arms, in his tattooed arm, while I placed the side part of my face in his arm also. Another embarrassment again!?

"Look, you're turning into tomato." He chuckled and I need to act like nothing happens.

"Shut up!" I screamed in his face.

"Ooh... On period, I guess?" He smirks, and why I can't stand this side of him!?

I removed my arms in his and I sat up, he continue laughing at me, while I feel my cheeks heating. I stand up, but accidentally tripped, because of the bed sheets that almost straddled in my legs.

I tried to stand up, but I can't because of the bed sheets that was like tied up. So, I start crawling fast until I reached the bathroom door, I hold the doorknob tight, so I can stand up with a little help.

"Good eveni - - Morning... Yeah!" I said, while fixing myself and trying to smile.

"I should... I need... Uhm... Ah... Go to shower!" I said and went inside while I still hearing him laughing.

I guess my, "I need to act nothing happens", was a big failure. I really need to face him again after this shower. I quickly stripped off my clothes, and while brushing my teeth, I take a look in the mirror. I'm improving physically, my bags are not too showy right now, I guess eating too much improves me. It's because of Harry.

I stepped inside and start taking a shower. I can still feel my cheeks fired up. Why? I think blushing is normal, since I haven't feel it in almost a year. Wait, I'm not blushing because of Harry, am I?


I let myself snuggled by Ariana. There's no wrong about snuggling, I just want to make her comfortable or maybe she feel too much comfort in my arm. She acted like nothing happens, but she failed miserably.

But when she wrapped her arms around my arm. I could feel something different, the feelings that I didn't felt after the break-up, it's just now. It's a complete different feeling than the feeling I felt when I'm with Taylor. Why?

After thinking any answers, I didn't got any. Then, I saw Ariana making her way out, only on her towel. Nice distraction. But, I endured it, I stood up and grabbed some towel. Before entering the bathroom, I think I need to tease her.

"Hey, Ms. Snuggle, you should wear in disguise." I said.

"Why disguise - - And I'm not Ms. Snuggle!" She shouted.

"We're going out. Since you're here, you didn't go out yet." I said.

"Okay and where?" She asked.

"Starbucks?" I suggested, purposely.

"Yeah, your treat." She said and smiled, showing her big dimples.

I went inside the bathroom and starts taking a shower. After that, I went out and Ariana is not here, maybe downstairs already. I start wearing white t-shirt, skinny jeans and a boots. While I wore sunglasses, and a hoodie on.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now