37: The Drunkenness

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Our love story was left on the unfinished chapter that will never be continued.


I'm here in my room, sitting at my couch. The night came and I just stayed here. The girls and the boys invited me to have lunch and dinner with them, but I refused. They want to stay here with me, which is sweet. But I didn't let them, I don't want to ruin their times with each other. Speaking of ruin.

I don't know if I should regret what I did to Harry this morning. I really pushed him away, not only that but giving and telling him all the painful words that came up in my mind. I don't know also if I should be happy knowing that the two of them break up or should I say Taylor let him go for me, that was shocking. Neither the boys and girls don't know all about this. Yet.

This isn't about Taylor getting in our way anymore. It's about me now, I'm always getting more scared every day and night passes by. It was like depression is coming again. The way I felt that I'm alone, sad, broken, miserable, before is what I feel now, it's getting stronger. I do love Harry, but I can feel that the cheating thing will come again, and it will ruin everything, again. That's why I keep doing all of this.

I remembered the look of his face this morning. He is pale and super drained about what I have said. Every words I think stung and I really hurt him a lot. But I think it's enough for him to stop getting me back and to stop doing all of these, to leave me alone and live his life without me.

"Ariana, my princess..."

Hearing his voice in my mind was kinda creeping me out. It still gives me goosebumps and it shivers through me. The way he is calling me with that pet name, princess, I feel super special and important. What we had back then, will be only memories, very good and amazing ones and that's the end of it. Our love story was left on the unfinished chapter that will never be continued.

"Harry, my prince..."

Because he called me princess, I just gave back calling him, prince. Prince fits in him, such gentleman, yet naughty. Good looking and charming, inside and out, no doubt. His eyes this morning actually pierced my heart. He is super devastated about what I did.

I think I should take some sleep right now. Not in the bed, cold bed, alone. So, I'll just sleep here in the couch...


We're at the bar near the lobby in this hotel. We're just hanging out here without Ari, well in her room and Harry, well nowhere to find. There are few people here which is good. Well, Niall is not here, he is not coming back yet, because he asked me if it's okay if he'll go to the bathroom to pee. Which is weird, because he asked me about that and who am I to protest? So, I let him, but he's taking almost half an hour. I'm getting suspicious.

"Demi?" Perrie snapped at me, which took me back into the real world. By the way, we're sitting around the table, with some of them are drinking wine, alcohol, while me, water.

"Deep thoughts?" Ely asked and I nodded.

"What are you thinking?" Sophia asked.

"Niall is not coming back yet. I mean, he will only pee and right now, he's taking half an hour." I whined.

"Ooh... I think some thing is happening..." Louis chuckled, I made a confused look.

"Maybe, making out with a girl in some cubicle." Liam said and no shit.

"Hey!? Niall won't do that." Sophia quickly protested.

"Maybe banging some slut." Zayn added and smiled.

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