39: The Hariana Styrande

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It should be punch to kiss, break to hug, slap to cup, sadness to happiness, weakness to strength, fall to spring, suffer to care, pains to comforts, grudges to amity, regrets to proud, sorry's to thank you's, but the most important is... Hate to love.


It's been two days.

Two consecutive days without her. Her presence in mine. Her voice, her giggle, her laugh, her dimple, or should I saw all or everything about her. Every single detail of her really completes me but now, now that it was all gone, I'm totally lost.

Another one, about Kendall, every night she is going here, by the reasons of making me forget about her. One night, we almost, almost had sex, but she didn't let me, because I was drunk again. We didn't have any sexual intercourse only make outs and hips to hips grindings, all the massive pleasures she's giving me.

But on that make outs, I'm still seeing Kendall as Ariana. I can't get her out of my mind. It's super hard and I guess I can't. She's my only one, my only love, my only everything, my only life. She really drives me insane, she's making me crazy, crazier. I regret what I did. I shouldn't left her room that night, even if she wants. Because I said to her that I'm not giving up on her, but I just did.

Am I that dumb to gave up on her?

I woke up again, only on my tight boxers, alone. I grabbed the big pillow and hug it tight, I wish this pillow was Ariana.

"I love you... Ariana." I said to it and yeah, crazy for her.

"Hi, Haz!" That voice.

"Kendall? Why are you here?" I asked and sat.

"Uhm... For you, I guess?" She said and climbed up in the bed and sat on my lap.

"Your morning voice are super sexy." She said and bit her lip. Jesus, she's distracting me. Until, she kisses my jawline, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You know, it's good to have a hot breakfast in morning." She whispered in my ear and I felt her hand palming in my crotch.

Damn, why is she like these? She's good at freaking teasing. She starts nibbling on my neck again, while she's fully clothed. I can't help it but to groan. Until the door opens, revealing who opened it.

My eyes widened, I'm frozen, to see her again. To see her cute, bubbly and cheeky face. Her outfit that fits in her petite body. Her high ponytail hairstyle. Everything about her, Ariana.

Kendall stopped kissing my neck, she stood up and act like nothing happens. She was surprised also, what should I do? Why is she here? I thought after that day I left her room, we won't see each other again.

"Hi, Ariana!" She said and waved her hands to her. She was also standing in the doorway just looking at me. Meeting her brown irises with my green ones.

"See you later, Haz!" He said and kissed me in my cheeks and went out of my room. As soon as I heard the main door closed, Ariana turned her back and starts walking away.

"Not again." I muttered to myself. I quickly stand up and grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"I just want to talk to you about something." She said.

"That something is about us, isn't it?" I asked and she nodded.

"Get inside the bedroom now." I said more on authoritatively.

"What?" She asked.

"Just get inside the room, I'm not raping you. But if you want, sure." I said and smirked lighting up the mood.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now