18: The Truths And Dares

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I think what we did to them is already enough.


The afternoon came and we're here in the dressing room, we already packed our things, so that we'll just leave later night. But, Taylor went to her manager, together with her best friend, Selena, because she will finish some prior commitments and she will go back here before we leave.

Luke together with his best friends are here, also the girls, Perrie, Ely and Sophia. I'm super happy that one of our closest friends will join the tour and Simon really surprised us.

Until these time, silence and boredom is taking over, eating all of us. This thing is very unusual in us, but it's happening.

"Guys, how can we kill time?" Liam whined, while Sophia is sitting beside him and looks bored also.

"Let's play a game!" Michael squealed.

"What game?" Zayn asked lazily.

"Truth or dare!?" Calum said and his eyes are filled with darkness as he smirked.

"No, no, no... I don't want that game. That game can kill relationships." Louis said and Ely laughed as we remembered what happened when we played that game.

"Lou, don't be a silly, it's just a game." Ashton added and I think I need to agree.

"Come on, guys. It's a little game and you should entertain us, because we're new here?" Luke said and making us to feel a bit bad.

Oh God, these boys are more blast than we expected.

"So, what?" I asked the boys and the girls.

"Fine." They all said and unison and a bit lazy.

We made a circle in forming each couches as we all sit down.

"Guys, we should invite Demi and Ariana!" Luke said and his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Does he really fancy Demi? And what? Me and the rest look at each other, excluding the four. Before I could say anything to refuse, Luke is not here already.

"Guys, sorry for Luke's action lately, he really fancy Demi, since they met at the cafeteria, I guess?" Ashton said and shook his head.

Me and the boys look at Niall, because the girls didn't know about this yet. Niall just bowed his head. Wow, too hurt as I seen in his face. Full of pains. After some minutes, Luke with Ariana and Demi entered.

All I know is, this is not going well...


Me and Demi are in the boys room now and they're giving us stares. Luke invited us on some game which is super cool.

When I'm packing my clothes with Demi. I opens a topic about Luke.

"So, Demi, I think Luke has a thing for you, and it's like, you too." I said and she just smiled.

"Really!?" I squealed and giggles, but she didn't answer, again.

"Demi, God gave you a mouth for talking, now use it." I said as I want to scream in excitement and happiness for her.

"Okay, the thing is when I bumped to him and saw that he is Luke. Wow, he's super cute!" She said and giggles, joining my laugh.

"Yeah... Blonde hair always turns you on." I informed.

"Ari!? Maybe it was coincidence." She said.

"Speaking of Luke... Hi, Luke!" I said and because I see him entering the room.

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