49: The Prize 2

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I hope I will get the price, because she was a jackpot one.


As me and Harry left our room, he left me a kiss and went straight to the elevator, going down to meet Simon. I don't know but I'm a bit mad at Simon right now. He's wrong timing. This time will be our date and he called for a meeting with his kids. Also, I'm happy that I'm not alone first, because Harry said that the girls will come with me while waiting for him.

Of course, maybe me and Harry, also the rest, are always together because of the tour. But me and Harry was only spending time, only the two of us, sometimes in the bunk or in the hotel room. This day and time was really meaningful to me, because we have a date, intimate, romantic, just two of us. But Simon pretty ruined it, even if Harry will catch up. Maybe might catch up, because all of us don't know what is in Simon's mind. Only the brain cells that is nearly to die because of his age. I think I'm too angry.

I walk only few steps and knocked the door, room of Demi and Niall. No one opened it, I take a hold of a knob and surprisingly, it wasn't locked. Weird. I opened it and my eyes.

"Whoa..." I said as I saw them, the four couple sharing each others tongues of fires.

"Oh." They all said as they pulled out.

"You guys, might be late, since Harry already went down." I said and the boys looked at me in disbelief.

"Harry? Went down? Before me? Very early?" Liam said in between his laughs. I know it was weird also, because why is he going early in to the meeting, which is Harry is the very grumpiest and laziest, also doesn't care about it?

"Yeah and I think you should go now, also girls, get ready we'll go out together." I said and the boys quickly left their girls with hugs and kisses. All of them are already dressed.

"So... What happened all day yesterday?" Perrie said as she nudges my arm playfully and all of them stares at me.

"Uhm... Just stay there, bond together, spend time." I said and I hope they don't know nor Harry didn't accidentally said again that we had sex, two times, specifically.

"Oh... I thought you guys, destroying each others barricade." Sophia said and they laughed. I can feel my cheeks turning into crimson red.

"You guys did!?" Ely said and very amused, while Demi is just staring at me giving me her teasing smirk, and wiggling eyebrows.

"Two times." I admit. I went straight to the point. I don't know if I should feel uncomfortable talking about sex lives with the girls. Maybe it is not than talking about it with a stranger nor a boy.

"Sex maniac." Perrie said and they laughed at me.

"I'm not." I said and sounds annoyed, but not working to them.

"You're not, Ari, but you will be." Demi said and smirked at me. Until, I remembered what Harry said, very exact. The hell.

"Are we here to talk about my sex life or to go out and wander the whole New York?" I asked.

"Going out but we need some disguises, but not that horrible like the boys did." Sophia said and before I could even speak, the girls dragged me in the room.

We almost spend half hour applying make ups, hard. But we still continuing to apply it. My nose line was hidden and it looks like I don't have even nose. I should get used to this, than being stuck with paparazzi. The three girls left for a while getting their purses in their room, leaving me and my best friend alone.

"So, how's the sex?" Demi asked and both of us laughed.

"I don't know, but it was pleasurable, filled with passion and desire, romance and love. But the physical pain though, but still..." I said and she looked at me blankly.

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