08: The Contract

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Well this contract signing can be the life changing on us.


We're still here having some talks, silly talks but more on serious ones. Well, this is some of our common or normal days now, unlike before when Demi and Ariana is here in the house. I must add, honestly that having them here is actually fun and blast. But I'm just happy for what's happening here right now.

It's already two in the afternoon and I got a message from Simon. We're here on the living room and still the girls, are outside. I don't know if they're having fun or not.

To: Harry

Harry, tell the other boys to go here in my office, we will have a meeting and it's going to be a surprise.

From: Simon

I didn't reply him and I just told the boys. Well, I don't like Uncle Si, when it comes to surprises. It might kill me or us. Sometimes surprises are realy awesome but some surprises also might ruin something.

"What's the surprise?" Liam asked.

"I don't know, and that's the purpose of a surprise right?" I said sarcastically, making him scoff.

"I hate surprises." Zayn huffed as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I think we just need to go." Louis said as we all fixing ourselves. Then the girls went to us.

"Guys, I think I should leave now. I got a text from my management and they want me to go to Simon's office." Taylor said and what?

"What will you do there?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, because Simon also wants us to go there." Niall added.

"That's strange and I don't know it. What could it be?" Taylor asked as she starts wondering on what could it be.

"We actually don't know too." I said while scratching my head.

"Me too... I will see my group mates there." Perrie said as she read something on her phone, probably also the text.

"What's happening!?" Zayn said and almost starts panicking.

"You should go now guys, we'll just wait you here." Ely said.

"You sure you don't want to come?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, hearing music stuffs are bad in my ears." Ely said and ouch, but why she fell in love in a musician?

"I'll just stay here with Ely." Sophia said as Liam went beside her.

We said goodbye to them and left them with kisses by their lovers. Taylor and Perrie are in our car, we don't want them to use another car. The thing is Taylor is my girlfriend, I don't want her to suffer and Perrie is girlfriend of Zayn. So, no problem at all. I'm still asking myself what's going on with the meeting? I hope it's a good news.


"Ari!?" Demi screamed.

"Demi!?" I screamed.

"What the fuck!? You're fucking hot, damn!" Demi said as we hugged each other very tight.

"Like you do and I like your dashing punk pink hair!" I said and it really amazes me, seeing her again, hugging her again, I feel super complete with my little sister.

"You dyed your hair dark brown, right? It's pretty cool!" She said.

"We should stop saying compliments with each other. The most important thing now is we're here, together again." I said enthusiastically.

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