43: The Stop

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All I know is this will be a long, romantic, painful and pleasurable night.


I was jolted up by a sudden shake, maybe we're still on the road and the bus passes through a speed bump. It's too silent here and I think they're still sleeping. I take a glance on my clock and it's nine in the morning.

I realized that my arms were wrapped in the waist of the most beautiful creature here on Earth. I turned her gently to face me, and she's so amazing. Her face that is very peaceful. If those eyes were open, I will probably heating up in her brown eyes. There are many beautiful details of her face down to her body, or should I say, that all of her is beautiful, which is true. But the most beautiful part of her is her heart.

I think I don't want to wish anything, because my only dream and wish is already here, her. I'm already contented in her, it's too much, I must add. And I hope she's happy to have me, because I'm super happy to have her. I can't even think that after some years that we didn't talk because of her works and our tour, we will meet again, because of Ariana and Harry. Me and Demi started a love and hate relationship, we annoyed each other but at last, we ended up kissing or cuddling. And that relationship somehow is still continuing.

"What do you want?" Demi groaned more on annoyed one, and I didn't notice I'm staring at her, she's already awake. Yeah, continuing.

"Nothing. It's just the first thing that caught my eyes, were your gorgeous face." I said and smiled, she covered her face with the pillow to hide her tomato face.

"Don't hide your reddish face." I said and struggling to remove her pillow but I did.

"Look! Oh my... I didn't expect your face like that." I said in amusement, it was really red.

"Yeah, but I know how to make your face more red than me." She said and leaning in to kiss me.

"Hmm... My lips didn't touch yours yet and your face is hot as lava now." She said and smiled, I nodded for response.

"Awe... Cute leprechaun." She said pecked my lips.

"Come on, I want to cuddle." I said and she sat between my legs while my arms around of her waist, and my chin on her shoulder.

I just want to be like these every day, every hour, every minute and even second. My life is very worthy now, to live and to spend, as long as I have her. I know in myself, I'm ready for the word, marriage, but for family not yet. I'm ready to be the husband of hers and I hope she's ready to be the wife of me. I didn't proposed yet because of some things, it includes this tour, works, and we're always tired. But sooner or later, I think I should. I can't wait no longer.

"Look..." She said pointing the bunk of Harry and Ariana, the curtains are still closed.

"How about we surprise them?" I suggested and she smiled.

We get up and out from the bunk and when we slide the curtain to open the bunk. Whoa, they are not there. We're the one who was surprised.

"Wait, where are they?" Demi said and very confused.

"I don't know." I said.

"We're on the road right now and they are not here!?" She said and almost shouted.

"No sh-t!" I said. "Maybe they were left in the Portland!?" I said, and both of our eyes widened.

"Wake the others up." She said to me and I did. But only the girls woke up, because the boys are keep groaning.

"Boys, wake up!" Demi growled.

"Ugh... Wake up for yourself."

"I'm still sleepy."

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