45: The Alteration

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The awaited chapters of our lives must be flipped little by little by our decisions and emotions.


I opened my eyes, and it was still dark a bit, maybe it was five or six in the morning. Since, we finished our making love session almost midnight. One thing, I'm sore. It fucking hurts, my legs, and my womanhood. I can't even turn around to face the man who's still sleeping, snoring beside me. I realized that my naked body were covered in duvet. But the real thing is, I'm happy to gave my virginity to him, to a deserving man. The man that I really love.

Making love with him last night, was a bit of roller coaster, full of annoying but pleasurable teases. It was maybe gentle, but too rough I guess. The way he enters me, I rode him or when he banged me in the wall, it was all great. But we had a round two, which is more okay, because I already adjusted in his length. It was awesome, but my body won't agree to that again.

Also, today is the day that we will leave this country, Oregon and we will catch up to the next one, Canada. I don't know what will happen after we went there. More questions will be thrown at us, mostly our great and supportive friends. Sarcasm.

"My princess, are you awake?" He asked with his sexy morning voice. I don't want to be kinda dirty or naughty, or else I might ended up worse in having more sores.

"Ye-Yeah. I can't move." I said and shut my eyes for a second, feeling the pain.

"You have sore?" He asked and chuckled.

"Yes, and are you happy about that?" I said and raised my voice a bit.

"Yes, I'm proud of myself in giving you sore, it was like I proved something. But I'm not happy to see you hurt." He said and I realized that we're naked, as he pulls me closer to him, leaning my back to his chest and planting a kiss in my shoulder, and I can feel his manhood in my bums.

"Yeah, you proved that you got a big one and you're a sex god." I said sarcastically and I really want to face him now.

"You're correct." He said and chuckled. "By the way, as in a little move, you can't?" He asked and I tried but I whimpers in pain. "Oh my God, I'll assist you." He said and start flipping me carefully.

Done. Now, I'm facing him, seeing his strands of his curly hair, letting it down in his forehead. Those green irises that I really likes. Also, his widest smile that he is giving me right now. A cocky smile.

"What's with that smile?" I asked annoyed until his hands is removing the stands of my hair that covers my face.

"You're so beautiful, and last night, was very unforgettable to me, it was special. I love you, that was great." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Awe... Don't worry, you're super hot last night, actually always. I know it was special even if you teased me over and over. I still do loved it. I love you too." I said and caresses his cheek and jawline.

"You know what I'm thinking. We're naked here and in just in swift move of kicking off this duvet. We will see our naked bodies again." He said and smirks.

"I'm not going for a round three, I swear. It will kill me. The two wasn't bad but the effect on me physically, damn it." I said and I feel again the pain.

"Awe... But I want it again." He said and pouted his bottom lip.

"Not gonna happen, Haz. It really hurts." I said and he pulled me in a hug, and once again his Haz touched my Ari.

"I know and do I need to feel sorry about that?" He said and chuckled. That cockiness though.

"I don't know but you're crazy last night, you're so wild. Well, I should've known that." I said and sighed.

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