51: The Complications

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Maybe past is already done, but if that past is filled with wrong doings, you should face the consequences coming in the present and in the future.


I opened my eyes, and it was still dark a bit, probably sunrise. I checked the clock and I was right. I rolled my body and saw Ariana who was still sleeping. I get up a bit, reaching the lamp shade and opened it. I leaned in on Ariana, my beautiful fiance, kissing her forehead, letting my fingers play with her hair.

In the dim light caused by the lamp, I can see the visible dried tears from her cheeks. Also, once her eyes opened, it still swells, because she cried over night. Non stop. I tried to calm, to relax and to soothe her, but it doesn't work. She continue to cry because of what her parents said to her.

They're against us. Against about every thing on us. Against us, being in a relationship, against us on being engaged and against about our future, to be married and to have a great family. Mostly, that they don't want us to be together, forever. We do love each other, but parents has a big role in one's relationship.

I truly respect their opinion or whatsoever about us. But of course, I was hurt. They can't accept the fact that me and their daughter are loving each other. Ariana didn't discuss about everything yesterday because of her continues cry. So, I'll just let rest and maybe I can have all the answers from her this day or whenever she is ready and maybe alright. Even if I know that she can't be.

I also think and I think I'm right that since me and Ariana became together, known publicly, her parents kept it that they don't want us to be together. And now that we're engaged, also known publicly, they finally said that they don't want me for her. Well, my thoughts are true, the day when we became together and known by the whole world, since then Ariana didn't received any texts nor calls from them.

I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, leaving her a kiss. Once I got inside, I look at myself in the mirror.

"Do I deserve her?" I asked myself.

I deserve her, but she don't deserve me.

"Was this because of what happened before, that's why her family hates me?" I asked myself.

Yes, exactly. If you didn't kissed Taylor that time, probably you are still together until now and ready to face the future together, better and stronger.

"Why do I even done that thing?" I asked myself.

Because you're a dumb ass. If you just set your mind first or settle all the things between you and Taylor before courting or entering in to Ariana's life, maybe you and Ariana are beyond perfect.

"If I could just change or go back to that time..." I muttered.

Probably you won't kiss Taylor and just pushes her away. Then, celebrate your monthsary with Ariana. In the end, everything is okay. But that was too opposite of what you did, and Ariana almost died because of you.

"Past never defines the future..." I muttered and realized that I'm crying.

Yes. Past is past, but what you did before sometimes do reflect in the future. Maybe past is already done, but if that past is filled with wrong doings, you should face the consequences coming in the present and in the future.

Well, guess what? Consequences are finally coming. Her family don't accept me and practically, not accept me anymore in their lives and in her life. This is confusing, frustrating and I'm f-cking infuriating.

I didn't notice that once my mind already processed from all what I thought and felt, I saw blood on my knuckles and it was dripping. I just realized I punched the glass, causing to shatter all the glass everywhere inside the bathroom.

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