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An unexplainable feeling. You can feel butterflies, you can feel you are in cloud nine, or in heaven or paradise. Love is uncontrollable, it is very easy to give and to feel. Every person should love and be loved. You can't love others if you can't learn how to love yourself. Love can fix a broken heart. Love is not always good in each individual. Love can make you bad sometimes, desperation and obsession are the examples. Don't let love control over you, don't let it do what you shouldn't do, like Taylor did.


That's what they all feel about what happened in the island, in their vacation. Their devastated hearts that each and only one of them can cure.


A broken faces, broken hearts, broken lives, broken friendships and broken relationships. The unbroken and strong girl was now broken. No one deserves to be broken and no one deserves to make one like it.


That's what all of their hearts feel. Because they know after what happened, everything is new. Not a good or better new, but bad or worse new. When Ariana felt that he was the one, she's so wrong. Harry hurt her in a very worst way, maybe it was still a bit good thing, if she was dumped than being cheated.

Moving On.

This is a phase that is very hard to accomplish or to overcome. Once you became miserable not only about or in love but in life, it may take a long, long time, once you can say to yourself that you already moved on. Moving on is starting a new life, overcoming all of your fears and hoping for the better tomorrow's. Once you failed in moving on, you need to start again, it was like a child who's always tripped once he or she runs, and continue to stand up and continue to run again. Because being broken doesn't mean it will be forever, even you can't move on, you need, you should and you will. Someday.

Another Chance.

World are filled with chances, but it is hard to give on something or someone who broke your trust. Chances are everywhere, but giving it was rare. Maybe asking for another chance is easy, but giving it, it wasn't. Once you will be given a second chance, give it an importance, cherish it and care about it. Building a broken trust to someone is difficult. Another chance should be another change. Another chance should be another challenges. Another chance should be another luck. But the most important is another chance is another life.

How if Niall met the fragile and vulnerable woman, Demi, again?

How if Harry met the new and unbreakable woman, Ariana, again?

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Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now