46: The Gratitude

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The place wherein the best thing happened in my life, having him back.


I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw is a man laying beside me, of course, my one and only, my life, my everything, Harry. He was snoring a little which makes him very manly. He is shirtless and only on his tight boxers.

"Oh my God." I muttered and giggled. My eyes wander his whole inked body, it was fast on the upper but it suddenly stop on the middle, his bulge. My jaw just dropped. Am I mouthwatering? Shame, I just did.

Good thing, he was still asleep or else if he saw me in that kind of face. He will continue to tease me. But wait, where are we? Because the last thing I knew is we're in the plane. I wander the whole room, this is a hotel room. Why? How?

I saw myself in the mirror and I'm in a complete mess. I took a quick shower first and change my clothes that I found in our suitcases that we left in the tour bus, when we got lost. I changed into a tight shorts and a crop top. His love bites are still there, but it I think it starts to fade, but I still apply a concealer. I still have sore, but it doesn't painful anymore.

Before I went out, I gave him a quick peck and pressed his pointed nose very light. I went out of the room and saw them. Them, meaning to say, our great friends, without sarcasms, I guess?

"Guys!?" I squealed in excitement.

"Ariana!" All of them said and starts running towards me, giving their bone crushing hug.

I really miss them. Eleanor's sweet but spicy personality. Louis' childishness and caring personality. Sophia's smart and sexy image. Liam's adorable personality and being responsible. Perrie's fierce but on the other side, being a fan girl. Zayn's grumpiness and being mysterious one. Niall's cuteness and his food addiction. Of course, Demi's bad ass but lovely personality. It's just I miss them. Wait, it's just been two days. But that two days was like two months, two years, two decades, two... I'm exaggerating. Still.

"I miss you, guys. Even if it was only two days." I said and hugged them each again. We took a seat, and I just noticed that they are chuckling and at the same time, whispering.

"Guys, might share that?" I asked and smiled.

"Uhm... Okay, I'll start. How's Oregon?" Eleanor asked.

"It's fine. Cool." I said.

"Cool or hot?" Louis said and all of them laughed at me. Why?

"Cool?" I said very unsure.

"How about all things happened in Oregon?" Sophia asked and smiled genuinely.

"Of course, at first it was scary because we don't know that country, only the place where we performed. But in the next day was very exciting and we enjoyed it, only the two of us." I said and of course, I don't want to say about what happened between me and Harry. It was secret and it will be forever hidden.

"Sure, that's the only thing happened? You know, you might add more. It's like being lost, there are many things happened." Liam asked and explained.

"That's the only thing, I swear." I said and why are they like these? Does they know?

"How about in the hotel room?" Perrie asked almost squealing, then Zayn gave me a litlle smile about her girlfriend's craziness. Okay, this is getting more way too go onto what happened between me and Harry.

"Of course, we watched movies that we like, cuddle, like what we does. Always" I said and they start mumbling something again. "Any questions again?" I asked.

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