28: The Benefits

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Because of that I became more eager and persevere to change someone who is lost and miserable back then, to someone who deserve to be happy and deserve to feel again what love and care is.


I suddenly woke up by nothing. I take a look at the clock and it's eleven in the morning, so we kinda slept for three hours. I'm still thinking the two who are in Los Angeles, but not worrying, because Ariana got him.

I turned my back to face a cute little creature. He's peaceful, I'm still clueless why I fell in love in this one. Maybe he's too special for me. I wrapped myself in his arms and wrapped my arm in his torso. Until, I woke him up. Purposely.

"Good eve?" He said very unsure and kissed my forehead.

"It's still good morning, Mr. Horan." I said.

"Don't call me that, I'm not in late 30's." He said.

"We should get up now, we're having lunch with the rest." I said.

"Five more minutes..." He said.

"Nope. Your five will go to ten, until it will reach fifteen, twenty... One hour... Until, we didn't have lunch, right?" I said and he just gave me a groan.

"I'll take a shower now." I said and grabbed my towel. I get inside the bathroom and still not closing the door.

"You don't want to take a shower with me?" I asked and waited for an answer.

"Coming!" He shouted.

I'm not surprised. He quickly jumped off the bed. While getting his towel, he almost tripped, then he went in front of me, panting, trying to be okay.

"Your wide awake, now?" I asked and he nodded.

"Wait for me to finish." I said and closed the door.

"Awe..." He said and I just laughed inside.

I opened the door again, he smiled, but I pecked his lips. Then closed the door again.

"Awe..." He said, finally, I opened again, and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him inside.

Therefore, I conclude that, this will gonna be a hot shower.


She's still sleeping in my shoulder. I just remembered all the times she slept in my shoulder. I didn't notice that I also rested my head in her head, while I'm still watching lame movies. When I say lame movies, these kind of movies were Liam's favorite genres...

I noticed that I didn't cook yet for our lunch. So, I lay her down in the couch and placed a pillow at the back of her head. I wrapped her body using the blanket. Before I left her, I placed a kiss at the top of her head.

Wait, it's gonna be easy. Since, Ariana is a vegan, first food comes up in my mind. Salad. But many salad, since she's too thin now, she needs to gain weight. For me, just salad also. While making salad, there are some things I remembered... The good times with her. Meaning her wasn't Taylor, Ariana. Oh, God, why I'm remembering these times?

I'm almost done with the salad and I was got out of my thoughts when I heard a scream from, Ariana.


We're here at the lobby, waiting for the rest. I'm with Niall now, who's eating, not a surprise, I guess. After a minute, we can see the girls coming.

"Hey, guys." The girls said while coming towards us.

"Hey?" Me and Niall said.

"Wha-What happened in the three of you? Why are you walking like that!? I mean, you three looks weak, tired..." I said.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now