50: The Engaged And Enraged

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I just made a promise. I will never give him to others. I might greedy but he's only mine and I'm only his.


"Dems... Please wake up..." Niall cooed, shaking me gently.

I still can't open my eyes, I'm too tired for every thing that happens yesterday, because of the tour and it was still ongoing. Well, since yesterday my best friends, Ariana and Harry were engaged. We're still in the New York and tomorrow we will go to the next stop. I'm so happy for them, that finally they will be Mr. and Mrs. Styles soon.

"Dems?" Niall cooed again, I mentally smiled to myself. I don't want to see his face, I'll get distracted. Over and over.

"Fuck off." I groaned, rolling at the side, hugging the comfy and big pillow.

"Awe... You're first word for this afternoon, was a curse." He said.

And I just remembered that I'm taking a nap in the middle of the afternoon, because yesterday night after the concert, we hang out and stayed up all night until morning. That's why I'm here, magnetized by my body onto the bed.

"I'm sorry. I'm really tired right now." I groaned and shut my eyes forcefully.

Knowingly that if I didn't get enough sleep, my vocals will get mad at me. Then, I felt him sat on the edge of the bed, turning his back a bit to face me. How did I know that? Then, I felt his fingers caresses my cheeks, and running some if it in my short hair.

"Fine. Since you look like a zombie." He teased and before my fist land hardly on his belly, "A beautiful one, it's just full of bags, but beautiful." He said assured and rambled a bit.

"Thank you..." I said and my voice cracks. Damn it.

Even if I want to wake up, open my eyes and hug him like he can't breath and kiss him hungrily that can make his face tomato, actually both of us, but my body is not responding or being cooperative.

I'm thankful that my leprechaun is very understanding. He is one of a kind for me. I'm very sure that he will be my man for the rest of my life. Maybe not now, but I know soon. I can't expect and I know I never expect some thing from him. Giving me his love for me was already okay for me. But making me happier, and giving me more purposes to still live because of him was a bonus.

"It's okay, Dems, you need to rest. I already took a shower." He said.

I know that when he said the last sentence he was smirking. That's why I can smell the sweet scent coming from his body near my face. I put my hands on his belly, brushing the palm of my hand and it's wet, so he just got out of shower. I smiled though.

"Even though I want to take a shower again and this time, the two of us, I can't and I think I should not, you need to rest." He said with his very calm yet thick voice.

"That's why you're trying to wake me up, huh?" I said and smirked.

I opened my eyes a bit and looked up to him a bit to see his soft, pale face, and those fluffy cheeks and wide smile. It's like I'm wide awake. His gaze is killing me, filled with emotions, making my stomach grumbles. He was still on his wet look, his blonde-brunette hair is falling down, sticking on his forehead. He was still on his towel.

"I just tried if I will have a chance. But I still do have many chances. But taking a one hour shower was a bit okay." He said and smirked.

"But why one hour? What did you do and you took so long?" I asked.

"I think I shouldn't answer that question." He said and we both chuckled.

"Hmm..." I just hummed and giggled because of the beautiful view.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now