14: The Clash

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As much as I don't want and I can't, I need just to make little things right, no matter how much it will hurt me.


The concert will start in just three hours, here in Los Angeles. We're very excited now and ready to face thousands of fans who will attend this festival tour. We're here now in our dressing room. Taylor, Selena, Ariana and Demi shared the same dressing room. I hope nothing will happen.

About what happened yesterday, when I decided to get home. I just want to be alone and make myself feel worse. I want to feel what Demi felt before, I wait to feel it again. To be miserable.

When I reached our house, I quickly went in my room. I lay down in my bed and starts crying. I thought we're friends again and she already forgave me, but I was wrong. She'll never forgive me. She's right about what happened in the restaurant, it's just a dream.

I'm still blaming myself until now. She's too broken in that vacation when Ariana was confined. And I made it worse, when she caught me and Selena in the bed. It's not my fault, I was drugged by Selena and what happen, happened.

I didn't explain that time, because she didn't let me. And how if I explained it, I know she won't beleive it. I'll just think right now that we weren't meant for each other. She was meant for the better guy than me.

After hours of crying, I heard my door squeaks, it's them. I don't want them to see me like these but I don't want to hide my feelings anymore.

"Bud!? What happened, why are you crying?" Zayn said and was shocked, he quickly gave me a tight hug.

"Bud, would you mind telling us?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, you're making us worried." Liam said.

"Niall, I think it's the time to tell them." Harry said and I nodded.

"Guys, I'm sorry if I kept a secret. Harry and I only knew about this... I'm still in love with Demi." I said and they're shocked.

"What? I thought you moved on?" Liam said.

"And you asked Selena in going out, right?" Louis said.

"I also thought I moved on, but it didn't work. Your right, I asked Selena in going out. I'm trying to forget Demi because of Selena. But I won't use her, I'll try to give more attention and to love her and if it works. Then, it worked." I said.

After that, I received hugs, words of encouragement and comforts from my best friends. I just want to forget Demi now. As much as I don't want and I can't, I need just to make little things right, no matter how much it will hurt me.

"Hey, Niall." Harry asked and I came back in the real world.

"Ye-Yes?" I asked.

"You're thinking way too deep, are you alright?" He asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about our performance later." I lied.

"Okay, you should get ready now." He said.

How can I even survive this tour when I always see a beautiful girl, Demi?


I still feel the guilt and sadness about what I'd said to Niall. It's just I shouldn't love him anymore, because Niall loves Selena and he doesn't love me anymore. I should forget him but I can't and probably won't.

I'm here at the dressing room with my best friend and the other two demons. I start to apply make up on myself, until Selena's mouth began to open and I know what can happen.

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