40: The Roller Coaster

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Our life filled with ups and downs but in the end, we still have each other, with no one ahead or no one left behind.

After 2 months...


I opened my eyes and what a beautiful morning again. I take a look at my right, seeing a handsome creature on my side. The way his curls falling on his forehead, messy in a good way. His peaceful face that I know is filled with happiness. His pointed nose, eyes that are still closed because once it was open, I'm lost. His plump, pink lips his sharp jawline and the cheeks with a dimple that can kill me once it occurs, many good things about him, every inch, every detail. I love it.

I was wrapped in his tattooed muscular arm, while my head is on his chest, and wrapping my arm around his torso. By the way, he's shirtless, so my eyes starts traveling up and down. I'm a girl, with hormones too.

Hariana. The day when we're back, one of the most unforgettable yet one of the best day of my life. We just spend the whole day in bed, our friends came back in the afternoon and everything was explained. They planned. They planned everything, which makes me get embarrassed about the crazy acts I did in the restaurant.

Well, it was all worth it. Of course, I thanked Taylor for everything. And I know she already moved just like him, me, all of us. Because this past weeks, Taylor is always blooming. She always talk about his new suitor, which she kept as a secret for us. Taylor and us are good friends now. But Taylor said that her friendship with Selena was over, because Selena starts fighting with her about making us back. Well, I hope the best for them.

Also, Taylor cleared all of this issue in some interviews and guesting. About Haylor and Hariana. Well, others are sad because Haylor is over, but happy because they are still friends. And the whole fandom went crazy when Taylor said that we are back and she is happy for that. Crazy in a good way. Of course, there are haters that are back, but we learned how to shut them up.

I realized everything that no matter how you hate the person before, once they've done good things even a single or little one, not only your look about them will change but the whole them also. Just like Taylor, she done bad things because she's the cause, I really hate her that much, until she do this, not only in getting us back but she's not a bitch anymore.

In the two months happened in us, it was really new, amazing, special and romantic, actually, every day and it's still continuing right now. Harry really, really loves me, he's taking care of me, he's becoming responsible right now. All I can say is, he is proving that the chance given to him was worth it. Also, to me, I'm also taking care of him.

I remember the time he has a fever, I'm always on his side, I never left him. I quite giggling and blushing seeing my boyfriend shaking because of coldness. I also felt bad why I'm smiling seeing him like that. It was just too cute. I did everything, I hug him, kiss him, so he will feel my warmth.

I remember also the time when we celebrate our two monthsaries. In the first one we went back to L.A. only the two of us, he surprised me with his set up date. Tables, candles, rose petals, every single romantic decorations were super great. He gave me necklace in that time, it was a gold heart with words that are carved, "Styles' Princess". It's really cute, I never took them off.

Even in showering, like the promise ring he gave to me in our second monthsary, that we did here, at the tour bus, alone. So, the promise ring, there were "H♡A & A♡H", it was fucking beautiful. I can't even imagine that beside of him being a flirt, he is super romantic. Well, the most important to me is spending time with him. Cherishing the moments we're having every second passes.

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