17: The Session

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I'm thinking of him, like a perfect lyrics that will fit in the song or should I say, a perfect like him who will fit in my heart?


We're here at the holding room... Again. My buds aren't here, they went out to explore the L.A., because we will leave this place later night, for the continuation of the first leg of our tour. I think Niall and Selena are in the cafeteria. Me and Taylor decided to stay here, just to spend time with each other.

About what happened yesterday, in the award show. Simon and the management helped us to stop the leaking of articles and issues about it. We don't really care now about the comments. We won't stop on asking for their forgiveness. But for now, we need each others' spaces.

It's too quiet in here. I got an idea. I kissed Taylor's shoulder and...

"Babe, what do you want?" She asked and what a beautiful eyes she has?

"You." I said and she raised her eyebrow.

"Uhm... To be specific, your lips." I said and smirked.

"Okay?" She said and sat in my lap and gave me a kiss.

"Enough?" She asked.

"Not yet contented." I said and start kissing her.

We are smirking in the middle of our kiss. I grab her waist and make a little grip, that makes her moan, while she's tugging my hair, that gives me pleasure. Our dominance is fighting with each other.

Maybe it isn't bad to kiss in public, but we're alone. It's too bad for you to kiss a stranger in public. That's the point. Until someone entered the room... Ariana.

"That's gross, making a baby in public. It's inappropriate." She said and she acts like nothing happened yesterday.

"You don't need to care, you can find your man and you can make a baby with him." Taylor strikes back and sat beside me.

"No, I don't need a man. And you two had a thousands of money, why can't you two afford a motel to make a baby? I can treat you two." She said and smiled.

"That's too cheap." Taylor scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

"Like you." She said and I don't know how to stop this.

"How dare - - " Taylor was cut off by her.

"Got to go now. You can continue your baby making session. And the baby is too unfortunate, having a parents... A horrible parents." She said and went out.

Taylor is very angry and she wants to go to her. But I didn't let her.

"Babe, if you entertain her more, the more she keeps pissing you off." I said.

"You're right? Back to kissing?" She said and smirked.

I didn't respond and just start our making out session...


It's super gross. But I don't think me and Harry had done it before. Ugh. It can make me vomit.

Well, about what happened yesterday, when we embarrassed them. It's like it made my whole year. Their priceless faces, wow. I'll still continue what I've started... A revenge.

Simon and I talked about it and the rest of the management with Demi. And we told all. Starting from the vacation up to these. And they say that we need to control our emotions. But they understood us why we did it, and where our pains are coming from.


I'm here in the mini cafeteria, that grandpa Simon made in his building. I'm excited for the recording later. As I walk and grabbed a food, I saw Niall and Selena. They're so sweet. Disgusting sweetness. I would like to make a show right now.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now