42: The Lost Couple

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His everything is my everything. Our everything.


I got out from the bathroom wearing simple clothes. Not literally a simple clothes, a floral crop top, a dark green skirt matching with doll shoes. I just let my hair down and I don't forget, cat ears. I don't wore too much make up, just a foundation.

I'm looking forward to another date again with him. But a while ago, I can't stand seeing him to dream again. I'm getting traumatized too, once I'm seeing him like that. I didn't bother him asking what he dreamed about because, he won't tell me, so I won't get worried.

I'm very thankful that we are okay again, even if it was just a little fight. Now, we don't need to yell or scream at each other. Every time when the problem comes, we got to think first, before coming up in a conclusion.

I went of this little rest room and saw Harry, hotness overload. Even if he wears very simple and very usual clothes at him, it was still fresh and new in my eyes. It was like he is a sex god. Wait, no, yeah, damn it. Seeing his inks in his arm, he is just amazing.

"My princess, you're drooling." He said and smirks. That smile, God.

"Really? How about you?" I said and bending in front of him, showing my chest in his two eyes.

"Uh... Uhm... Ah... Erm..." He said and mouth opened.

"Can't find words? Good luck." I said and patted his head.

When I'm about to walk. Arms were wrapped in my arms immediately, and a kiss in my shoulder.
My stomach is erupting again.

"Speechless..." He said in the middle of his laugh.

"We should go now." I said as he start tickling me, and suddenly the door of the tour bus opened.

"Hey!" Louis squeaks and it really irritates my eardrums or maybe our eardrums.

"You're okay, now!?" Perri squeals and starts fan girling again.

"Yes." We said in unison.

"That's fucking great!"

"That's awesome."

"Why?" Liam said and smirks.

"Shut up, bitter." We said and earning a frown face from him.

"It seems you two are dressed, huh? Will have a date?" Demi asked and we nodded.

"You should go back before four in the morning, all of us will leave this place." Zayn informs.

"We will." Harry said.

"Also, if you will have sex, you know, don't do it in the park or where will you have a date. There is a hotel nearby." Ely said.

"El!?" I said but smiled. Wait, why I am smiling?

"We will." Harry said that makes them chuckled.

"Not gonna happen, dude. Bye!" I said and kiss and hug them one by one.

"Bye! Take care, we need to sleep, after a long run!" I heard Sophia when I left the bus.

I went out of the tour bus and the air just smack my face. And as I start walking a hand was placed in my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You don't want to let me go, don't you?" I asked.

"Of course, why would I? Once I let you go, I'm lifeless." He said and kissed my head.

"Stop being a flirt." I whined.

"Why?" He asked.

"It makes me giggle and blush." I said honestly.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now