16: The Awardee

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Forgiving someone is useless, if you can't forget... And I can't forget what he did.


I'm here inside the limo, with Ariana. Then, in the next limo is them. Why?

Because we're attending an award show, wherein me, myself and I was nominated for the "Best Break-Up Song", "Really Don't Care", but I'm performing a different song, it is "Without The Love".

While Ariana, was nominated in a song, "Break Free" in "Best EDM Song", but she will perform her "Break Your Heart Right Back", before they will sing, "Bang Bang", with Jessie and Nicki. That song is nominated in "Best Collaboration Song".

And One Direction was nominated in "Best Group Or Duo" or whatsoever they called it, which I don't really care about. Then, Taylor was nominated in her song, "Shake It Off" for "Best Pop Song". I'm proud of her, career, not in her personal fucking issues in her life. And Selena, I don't know and I don't give any shit about it.

Am I sarcastic or very bad ass? Maybe? Well, just like Simon said to me, I'm a little obnoxious brat. I'm proud of it, because that's me.

So, we're here at the limo and what happened yesterday was a sick. I told them why we became like this, and I slapped my one and only love, which is I regret but sometimes I kind of think that he deserved it. I'm in the middle of confusion since we've been in the tour.

After my deep thoughts, we get out and we're blinded by the flashing lights, bombarded with beautiful screams and cheers. We wore different gorgeous gowns by our different stylist. After the red carpet stuffs and interviews. We went backstage and luckily, we encountered them.

"Hi, guys! All of you seems sad. Wonder why?" Ariana said cheerfully as she look at them very disgusted.

"Why?" Taylor said rudely as she crosses her arms.

"Oh, the answer is being with these two demons in your lives." Ariana said, pointing her and Selena, making me to endure my loud laugh.

"What the - - " Taylor was cut off by her.

"Fuck!? That's all you can say? You're such a fuck Taylor, you're a fuck!" Ariana said as she chuckled.

She walk straight to her dressing room, preparing for the performance, she's an opening act. After that, they all stared at me. But Taylor was pissed again and walked out with her best friend.

"Demi, we're really so - - " I cut off Ely, who broke the silence.

"Save it. I don't need all your fucking apologies." I snapped.

"Demi, please just listen to us." Sophia said as she pleaded.

"I don't have time. And the word sorry is too late." I said and start walking out.

Until, someone's following me, making me to clench my fist together with my jaw. I don't need anything for now.

"Demi." It said and making me more angry at the the voice.

"Shut up, Horan!" I shouted and continue to walk away but he stop me on turning me to face him.

"Please, I really want to make it up to you." He said and I know he is sincere but I'm not ready for that thing.

"Just stop! Go away, I don't need you! Get lost!" I shouted in his face.

It makes my heart sink on the sight, wherein his face is full of pains and very hurt and I just continue to walk away. Again. I broke him. Why I'm doing this? I can't help it.

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