31: The Swiftness

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Good, because in that dream, it was only about us. Bad, because it was only a dream and this is real life.


Now, I'm here at the hotel and I was released yesterday night. Yesterday morning was the hot one. Demi, Dems because she did something to my Nialler, it feels lusty, pleasurable, but I feel more on love. The way she moves her lips in my Nialler, was amazing. That's was our first time.

But all of a sudden, I was given again a chance. I start living again, wait, also loving my Dems again. I thought I won't make it, but I did. What happened yesterday was pretty normal, they visited me, we ate together, until, we bring the house down, literally, but not the house, my private room in hospital.

So, more expenses. I'm with Demi right now, we're just on the couch, cuddling while watching sweet flicks movies.

"Dems... About yesterday." I said trying to open up the topic.

"Oh... The early breakfast. It's totally fine and I love it." She said and sat on my lap, we're facing each other.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I love you." I said and pecked her lips.

"No worries and I love you too." She said and before we kiss again, we got interrupted.

"Guys, before your lips move in sync again. 5SOS were on the lobby, waiting for us." Liam said and smirked at us.

"Okay, we'll go." I said, the he closed the door.

"I need to thank someone in the lobby." I said.

"Luke." She said and smiled.

"Yep. I really owe him. Because of him, Diall were back again. Because of him, my depressed life became happy and it became more special because of the person who's was right in front of me." I said.

"Awe... But also because of you, you let me enter your life and heart again." She said.

"No... You let me. And now we're spending every second of our life with each other." I said.

After that sweet talks, we went out and we get inside the elevator, only the two of us. I really need to thank my other blonde friend.


I'm here at the couch in the living room, drinking coffee, while Harry is on the dinning room, eating. The ambiance of this house, is now like a ghost town. Wonder why? Of course, about what happened yesterday.

After what happened yesterday. The rest of the morning was in silent. We didn't interrupt or bother each other. The rest of the day was quiet and it still continuing right now. I slept on the couch, he slept on his room. He continue cooking, and I'm eating. When we bumped at each other, we just look and turns away.

Now, I'm regretting what I or we did yesterday. Because of that, we're like this now. Giving silent treatment for each other. But, I love what happened yesterday. Also, I know when I stayed here for the longer time, it will be more awkward. So, I decided to catch up with them in New York. So, I went in the dinning room to talk to him.

"Harry..." I said and he looked to me raising his eyebrows.

"I'll leave and go to Demi and the rest in New York." I said.

"Okay." He said and continue eating.

Wow, first word after two days. And I really miss them so I really want to go there. And I've been missing them for like decades. I really want to thank and say my sorry personally. Now, I walk upstairs to take a shower. And not a surprised he followed. Not me of course. I grabbed my towel and he did too. Shame.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now