12: The Expectations

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I won't hesitate to hurt her again than to let her hurt my girl.


We're on the way now in our condo. Now, I'm all dry after Taylor spilled water on me. Making some or maybe making full stunts there makes me feel alive. I feel so much better that I want to jump for fucking joy.

I just want to scold, shout and tease at them more. I want to irritate them, I want to annoy them. I want to bring fire in their boring gasoline. I just want to make them feel worse, mostly Harry and Taylor.

For them, being peaceful for eight months, I think this will be their last day having a piece in their mind. Because once the meeting starts again or rehearsals, mostly the tour, shits are about to be smacked on their faces.

"So, Demi, are you with me in making their lives miserable, when we're on the tour?" I asked enthusiastically and fiercely.

"Of course... Always." She said and smirked.

"Also, what got into you, you're very deceitful, feisty and a nasty woman now, huh?" She asked.

"Demi, you should ask them. They are the reasons. Do you think if Harry didn't cheat and Taylor didn't get in our way, I'll be like this? No, but it happened, so I'll just go through it." I explained as I start remembering  their priceless faces a while ago.

"Also, how's you, seeing Niall?" I asked and as I seen on her face, she's sad or angry.

"Nothing, it's just like seeing him and guess what, he asked Selena out." She said and what the hell did Niall do?

"Really!? So, he's like dating the two former best friends." I said and she just nodded.


I lied when I said nothing. I was hurt that time. More hurt, because why Selena? She's the cause why we're over. I'm super confused right now. I love Niall, but at the same time it's painful to still love someone, even if he did something bad and painful to you.

I just continue driving. Until we're at the condo. When we get inside our apartment. We both go in our own rooms. I just dragged myself in bed in sadness filling up on my body.

As I closed my eyes, I cried. Niall still has an effect on me, a big effect. Nothing is changed even a single, I'm still madly and badly in love in him. I thought I already moved on, but I didn't and I can't. I tried at the first place, but it didn't work. How did Ariana moved on? Should I let myself to fall also in the cliff?

I don't know what to do and now, we're on the same tour. We can see each other always. How if I fall more again? How if Ariana know that I still love him? I told Ariana that we shouldn't forgive them and hate them more. And Ariana did it, but me... I didn't and I can't.

Niall is just who I want and need in my life.


We're still at the restaurant. I'm still on shocked, after what happened. I'm still frozen standing, mostly when Ariana slapped me. A slap of reality, I guess, that makes me remind of everything I did to her. But what she did right now, makes me don't respect her at all. What happened this lunch is fucking horrible.

"Haz?" Louis patted my shoulder and that's when I stopped from being still and came back in the real world.

"Oh." That's the only thing I've said and saw Taylor sitting, she's super angry and crying. I just hugged her.

"Shh... Don't cry, babe. She won't do that again to you. I promise." I said and Selena starts comforting her.

"Guys, come on, we need to go home now." Perrie said and pissed as she pushes the chair aside.

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