47: The Causes

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Today is better and tomorrow will be the best.


I jolted up hearing screams from the outside. It was familiar, Harry and Ariana. It's too early to have a fight, early in the morning, it's just seven. It was terrible, annoying, irritating and too many negative words.

"Oh my God." I muttered as I face palmed myself, from not getting enough some sleep.

By the way, we're already here in New York, since yesterday. And it's been three days, that all of us are being doomed, at the same time worried about Harry and Ariana. They are always fighting, it's like when me and Ariana was still a bitch, it's coming back, too many argues between them. Even some little things and a very small mistake can make a start of their fight.

What's happening to them? It was always shocking us about all of these. I mean, after they came back in Canada from Oregon, they are very fine, sweet and in just a day ago, they started a fight. They are very enrage, mostly Ariana. I don't know what to do, we don't know.

Also, we slept in one room, all of us. Because of our silliness and craziness, we decided to sleep in one room. Also, we're not using a bed, mutual decision so it wasn't unfair. Harry and Ariana slept beside the table. Louis and Ely almost get inside the bathroom. Sophia and Liam slept beside the cabinet. Zayn and Perrie looking comfortable with each other, while they're under the table. Because we missed the two, that's why we just booked a one hotel room for all of us. But I think it doesn't work because of Hariana, that was always fighting in front of us. I sat up in the bed, because I slept in the bed.

"Mutual decision about the bed? It didn't work." I muttered to myself proudly. Suddenly, the rest of them in this room was jolted up by another scream from Ariana. They're still fighting.

"They're fighting again?" Ely groaned as we hear continuous shout.

"We better stop them... Again." Sophia said and sighed. It's true we're trying to stop them every time, but it works sometimes, worse, not.

"Why do they need to fight in simple things?" Perrie said.

"Let's just go out, guys." I said and stood up, also them start stretching their arms, while the machine gun mouths of the two outside were still firing. But before we went out, the boys notice me.

"You slept on the bed!? That's unfair!" Zayn almost shouted at my face.

"Got a problem, dude? Come on, brag about it or else you will fly outside of that window, landing on the road and getting hit by a truck. Then we start mourning in the morning." I said as fast as I can, while giving him my fierce and a symbol of death face.

"You could just say yes." Zayn said and looked down, earning laughs from us. We just stop and before I opened the door, I noticed Niall is not in the room. So when I opened the door, he was there also coming towards us.

"Good morning." He said waving his hand in my face, with his cheeky smile.

"You're eating outside?" Liam asked while his eyebrows are furrowed.

"Yup. Early in the morning." He said, smiling at us and I think he didn't get what Liam said with the word outside.

"You're just eating outside while the two are fighting and not stopping them!?" I scolded him.

"They said they don't want to get disturb and as as kind person, I did what they want." He said as he scratches the back of his head and is he serious with that answer!? "But I'm trying, it's just not working." He said.

Then, all of us turned to face the two who is fighting. Their faces are red, but somehow I feel something really strange. I'm just not sure about it. It's impossible for this two neither one of them will continue to argue than to just give up so the fight will end. I'm just keep thinking what possibly could that be.

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