05: The Confirmation

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Darkness that I wish I saw before and probably I don't want to see another light anymore.


We're back in our condo and mentally exhausted. I still can't take all the lies I'd said. It's just I'm worried about their fans that will be disappointed. I don't want them to feel the hurt and pain like I'm feeling now. I know now, if I opened my twitter, there are and angry lots of hate about me like this.

"Ariana you're such a bitch, that is Harry Styles and why did you break up with him!?"

Sorry, but I didn't break up with him, after what I saw in the vacation when they almost had sex, it's officially over.

"You're super unlucky now, why did you let him go?"

Fuck, he is not even worthy of my life nor my heart. He can fuck whoever he wants. As long as this time, I won't mind him anymore. If he want to be wasted like Louis said to Demi, he can.

"Hey!" Demi said and yeah, I'm thinking way too deep.

"Yes!?" I said shockingly.

"What are you thinking? You can share it, right? I'm your best friend." She said.

"Fine, I'm just thinking that after our interview a while ago, there are lots of hates on me now." I said and bowed my head.

"So what!? They didn't know the whole story, and what about me, I'll get hates also. But why would we care? The most important is we don't mind on how we will say it anymore." She explained.

"You're right, we just lied because we care about their fans and not about the haters." I said as she nods on me in agreeing.

"I'm hungry, I'll just go to the convenience store to buy something." She said as she stood up.

"I'll go with you." I asked and also standing up but she stopped me, pushing me back to sit again.

"No. Just me, just rest there. I'll call you to say what are they selling there, so you can pick." She said and went to out of our apartment.

I sat there for a minutes, until I heard a knock. For fucks' sake, please not paparazzi who looks like a spy. Just Demi, please. I opened the door and what the fuck?

As I saw who it is, my blood is boiling. My head is heating. My heart is pounding very hard. Then, I start crying, not because I'm happy nor sad, but angry. I'm having deep breathing, trying to calm myself but I can't. I didn't feel sadness at all. I felt anger, disgust, grudge, and it's like I want to throw whatever I hold, I wish I was holding a knife right now. As I saw his green fucking eyes, I want to get that off of his face. I want to rip him off. I want him to tear him apart. I want to break his fucking head. I want to kill him. It's Harry.

"Ariana?" He said as I saw his broken face, I can see it. I can feel his sadness.

"Go away!" I yelled and try to shut the door, but he pushes it and entered, I take a step back.

I saw the boys at his back, trying to stop him. But instead he shut the door, and locked it. The boys are knocking the door. Holy shit, what will happen? I don't know what should I do.

I don't want to see him, I don't want to talk to him, even his eyelashes, I don't want to see it or any inches of him, I hate it. I need Demi now. He went to me, but I pushed him.

"My princess, please... I just want to talk." He said. I can't help it, then I burst more in tears.

"No! Go away! I don't need your words!" I said, gave him a slap, but he hugged me.

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