44: The Innocence

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All of me deserves all of him.


As he pinned me in the wall, gently, he starts attaching his lips on mine. I shut my eyes feeling the softness and tenderness of his kiss. I can't still even imagine that we will do this, of course, it's my first time. I don't know what to do at the first place, because I'm a freaking virgin. Which is great though. I'm excited and happy, but at the same time, I'm nervous. Although we will make love but the one I will do with my boyfriend, Harry Styles. I know him, maybe he will try different on me, which makes me nervous.

"My princess, I would love these, if you will kiss back." He said, and his breath fans through my mouth, which also get out of my deep thoughts. His forearm is on the top of my head, while his other hand is cupping my cheek.

"I know." I said and bit my lip, with a smirk. Also, he's staring at me, he is serious.

"Don't bite your lip." He said as he put his thumb on my bottom lip, pulling it down, while his index finger is under my chin.

"Your lips are molded and it really fits on mine you know that?" He said and his voice is lower than before, raspier and sexier. I just hummed in my response.

"I don't like humming, Ariana. You learned different words." He said and is he commanding me? Why is he so serious? This side of him was unexpected for me.

"Okay?" I said.

"So... Can we kiss now, I don't like talks?" He said.

"Well, you're the one who's - - " I was cut off as he smashes his lips on mine.

Our lips starts moving in sync, slowly and gently. Once again, I closed my eyes, feeling everything, the pleasure and lust. His arm goes down around my waist, and pulled me closer to him. My hands was in his chest because of a sudden action, but later on I put it on his shoulders. While his other hand on the zipper of my dress again.

I don't what got into me, because I almost ripped of his shirt. But luckily, he ripped it off for me. That sight for me, ripping off his clothes in front of me, was awesome. He pushed me back again in the wall, my upper back was only leaning, because the lower part was wrapped in his arm. I can feel his clothed crotch in my clothed crotch. What should I expect if I saw it without fabric or anything?

He start unzipping my dress again until he put the straps of my dress on the side of my upper arms. His lips moves in my jawline, to my chin. Every touch or brush of his lips on my skin, sends me shivers over and over, it makes my heartbeat fast. He plant small kisses in my shoulder. He leaves wet kisses in the lump of my throat and went to the whole part of my neck. It gives me more pleasure, so my hand starts caressing his back, and the other is in his hair, tugging it to make his mouth closer to my skin.

When he start nibbling in my skin, I couldn't bit my lip, not only because he wants also, but I also start releasing multiple moans that I can't stop. His mouth drives me crazy. Until, he start sucking and biting it.

"Oh my God... Harry..." I moaned, the bites was a little painful, but at the same time when he left it wet, it was amazing.

"You love these, don't you?" He said while his tongue roams my neck, and those hot breath was sexy. So, I hummed again in response. I forgot something.

"I don't like humming, right? I want your sexy voice, Ariana." He said as he continues to nibble my neck. I hummed again.

"Make me moan." I said, challenging him and hides my smirk, I just want to tease him.

Until, he began sucking my neck, roughly and harshly. And he made me moan, I know he's smiling while I moan his name.

"Come on, Ariana, I want to hear your voice, again. Moan for me, princess." He said as he start biting the skin of my neck.

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