09: The Avowal

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My love for her that I don't want to forget, to stop and to just throw it away, because I want to remind it, to continue it and to keep my love for her.


We're still in Simon's office and waiting for an answer. All of us here are wandering in the whole room, pacing back and forth. Some of them are talking, eyes are in their phones, taking a picture of themselves. While some of us here are silenced by the other two girls who will join and who are very important to us, before?

I still can't believe that after eight months, here it goes. We will see each other again. Our eyes will meet again, we will feel each others presence and we will hear each others voices before. It was like starting over again but there are lot of differences. We don't even know what will will be their reaction when they saw us, neither us also.

"Okay guys, I got a message now, from both of their managers..." Simon said as he look at his phone.

Here we go again, looking at each other, feeling each others nervousness. I'm still happy though that I will see Ariana and Demi if they are okay. But I know they are. They are molded by the problems and I know they are strong.

"Demi and Ariana will join the tour." Simon said and they start clapping, while silence is eating us.

"So, this is the end of our meeting. And you're managers will just call you for other info's or might sudden changes." Simon said and all of us stood up.

Start hugging and shaking each others hands. After that, we got into our car, we went back in our flat, of course Taylor wants to bring her best friend, Selena, what can I do, so I approved.

I also knew that the awkward and anger thing between Selena and us, mostly to Zayn are all done and already forgot about it. The thing is, So, this is it. We'll see each other again. Again.


Damn, why is she or both of them need to be included in this tour!? How if they see each other? Will I lose Harry again? If she did it, I'll kill her!

We're back in their flat and me and Harry is in his room. Or should I say, our room?

He removed his clothes and just leave himself in joggers and sleeveless shirt. That shows his arm tattoos. I just want to ask something, but he looks pissed as I am. Okay, I'll do it. I'll try and if he doesn't want to talk about it, it's fine. I just need an enlightenment.

"Babe, so the meeting a while ago..." I said and he went closer to me.

"Why? Is this something to do with Ariana?" He asked as he cupped my cheeks, caressing it and I just nodded.

"Don't worry. If she's joining, why not? And I don't care about her, I do care about us." He said as he kissed my nose and I kissed his cheeks.

"Thanks for understanding." I said and hugged him.

"It's fine, babe. Just for you." He said and smiled.

I pushed him, that made him sit at the edge of the bed. I sat on his lap and looked at his eyes, biting my lip, putting my hands on his shoulders, gripping it gently. My hands ran through his chest down to his abdomen, making him groan.

"Want to do something, eh?" He said and smirked.

I didn't answer, I just start kissing his jawline to his lips. I put my hands in his shoulder and locked my legs in his waist. Until, he flipped our position, now I'm under him.

The kiss was removed and we just laughed. But, we didn't waste time and starts kissing again. He went in my neck that make me moan. And in my collarbone, I push his head burying his face in my chest.

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