26: The Ha-riana

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Ariana is always my life, even though I do have Taylor.


We're still here in their condo. Sophia and Liam were in the living room after they went here. Demi didn't leave the room, also me. We're sitting on the floor and she's looking and touching a bracelet, she said that the bracelet is from Ariana.

She already stopped crying. I mean how can she live happily again, without her best friend or should I say, a sister to her? And how can we live also by always thinking that Ariana will be gone because of us? She's giving up, but I'm not, although there is a bit consciousness inside of me saying that it was over.

I heard loud thunders and waters falling outside, it's raining. And it makes me more worried because they're on the mountain, it can be slippery or worse, landslide.

"Guys, Harry is calling!" I shouted. T

hen Liam and Sophia came in, while Demi didn't express any reactions and just continue looking at the bracelet. I really hope this is a good news. I answered the call.

"Haz, how are you? Is Ariana with you? Tell me you two are safe?" I said more on rambling.

I heard what Harry said and I looked at them. My eyes starts tearing up, I looked to Demi, who seems already know what happened. She doesn't react, she also stops crying, she's just looking at the bracelet. Then, the call ended.

"What is it Niall?" Liam asked as they all became more worried, excluding Demi.

"Ni?!" Sophia said.

"She's... She's with him." I said.

"Who's him? Is Ariana with God already?" Liam said... Damn it.

"No, she's was saved now. She's safe..." I said and sighed.

Liam and Sophia hugged each other. For anyone's fucks sake, I'm super relieved. But Demi just stay still. She really looks puzzled.

"Dems... Did you heard me?" I asked her.

"Huh?" She said and looked at me.

"I said, Ariana is with Harry now. He saved her." I said and smile is growing in her face, then a sudden tears fell.

"Oh my God..." She said and hugged me.

"Don't worry now. Ariana is safe and she'll go home... In our home." I said as I kissed her head.

"Yes, and all of us will be together again." Sophia said and hugged us.

"And no one nor anything can break our friendship again." Liam said and joined the hug.

"Thank you, guys." Demi said and we pulled out in the hug.

"Guys, we need to pack Ariana's clothes. And Demi's." I said.

Liam and Sophia went to the lobby so they will wait for us. While me and Demi went to her room. After we packed Dems' clothes, we went to Ariana's and after we packed hers, I'm about to go out, until she hold my wrist and pulled me in a kiss.

"Thank you." She said.

"It's fine and I don't think it is appropriate to make out in a room filled with bloods." I said and smirked, then I received a light slap in my chest.

"I love you, Ni." She said while we're going out.

"I love you most." I said.

Now, we finally know that we will face a better tomorrow, together. The family was now complete having Ariana. And we will help each other to bring back the old one...

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