36: The Pushes

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I hope when the right day and time comes, every thing will be alright like before.


What the hell did I just said!? Why did I admitted it!? I'm such a freaking dumb. What she will do now, to break me again? To make me feel worthless again, until I return to be a bitch again? I said yes, but I was about to say that I'm not loving him anymore, she didn't let me finish.

I was wandering the whole room, trying to know what will happen next. I start thinking crazy things, how if she will kill me? Or if she will haunt me down? Maybe she will massacre all of us? How if she will kidnap me and throw me away, so I can't see them or him anymore? How if she sells me into the gangs who rape girls or abuse them, use them? How if...

"How if I'll shut your mouth?" Demi instantly said.

"Huh? Wait, I'm thinking out loud, am I?" I asked.

"Yes and all the things you've said, won't happen." She said and smiled.

"Oh... Because you're here to protect me?" I said cheerfully.

"No... Sucker! You're an adult, you can protect yourself and you're not a kid!" She scolded me and chuckled.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"I just want to ask if you have foods there, Niall ate all of ours." She said.

"Really? I thought you will comfort me here and you're asking for foods!?" I scolded her this time.

"What's the problem if you admitted it to her? It's her fucking problem anymore." She said and starts searching the cabinets in the kitchen.

"Okay?" Was the only thing I said and I think she's right, accept the fact that her boy is in love with me, but I won't entertain it anymore.

"Come on, we will watch movies!" Demi said enthusiastically while munching the bag of chips. Oh my, please don't turn into Niall, please don't. That will be my worst nightmare.

She grabbed my wrist dragging me out of my room and we went into Liam and Sophia's room, without knowing my response. Well, I think it's a good thing rather than stressing myself about the Hariana over Haylor thing.

"Hey, Ari!" They all greeted and so am I.

"Hey, Dems... Ooh, is that chips for me?" Niall asked and grabbed the bag of chips, but Demi didn't let him.

"Nope!" She said and all of them began laughing except me and Niall.

"Why? I mean, sharing is better, right?" He said and using his puppy dog eyes to Demi.

"Yeah, but you didn't shared the twenty bags that I bought for us!" She said and Niall is speechless.

"Are you gonna fight over a single bag of chips?" I asked.

"Ari, is right, just please share or maybe I can go to Ariana's room to grab some." Niall said and Demi gave me a 'see that' look.

Before I refuse, Niall came back bringing 10 bags. 10!? Bags!? Oh... God. Demi is right. Niall thanked me and what should I do to scold him, while he is munching almost hundreds of chips in his mouth? It will be better not to.

We spend the rest of the night watching movies, while seeing all of them cuddling and snuggling over romance movies. While me, cuddling with tissue papers, secretly.

Seeing the four couples beside and right in front of me makes me feel envy a little because they are happy and full of love. While me, alone, scared and a dumb girl who really needs to start a new life. But I feel happy though a little by little letting my feelings go for Harry.

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