38: The Farewell

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A promise that I will take him back where he should be, and that place is on my heart and on my life.


I gave up.

I can't do it anymore. Every pleases, every begs and every tears left my eyes, I'm tired. No matter how much it really hurts, I should accept it. I did my all, I did my best, I did everything, but I think it's enough and should be done. She's right, no matter how I try hard, if she really don't, what I want won't happen. Also, what I destroyed, what I broke, will never be fixed or make it right again.

I thought when I kissed her a while ago, she will feel my love. Maybe she felt, how about me, I don't think if I felt her love for me, or maybe that love was already faded or gone. But I overdid it a while ago, I shouldn't did that to her, once I saw tears fell from her eyes, I became sober in realization, she is not ready and mostly she won't give it to me. I don't deserve her, she's a beautiful girl who doesn't deserve a piece of crap like me.

After this, I will leave her alone. I won't talk to her like she wanted, I won't bother her anymore, I'm not even want to see her again. No matter how hard, as long as she will be okay without me, I will. I won't love her anymore and I will keep it as a promise.

She doesn't deserve me. I'm a complete fucker, miserable, horrible, wasted, worthless and an asshole. She don't love me anymore, she doesn't care about me, she don't have me, we're super over. I think I deserve this pain and I think this pain is not enough to compare about the pain I caused to her.

I wiped my tears as I stepped out of her room. All of this are over. I put my shirt on and went back in the bar, I don't have a purpose to rest or to sleep, I wish all of this was just a nightmare but it is not.

It's already three in the morning and guess what, there still few people. I sat in the couch and drank every shots that was given in the table, I can barely knew the persons I'm sitting beside with. People partying over here, over there, every fucking where.

As I drank many shots again and I'm getting dizzy again. My mind starts circling and my eyesight is blurring. Until, I felt someone sat on my lap, she. She has a black straight hair and a white skin. She's super sexy and hot with her clothes. I can't barely see her face.

"You seem problematic." She said and her hands starts massaging my shoulder to my chest and I just let myself to groan.

"About a girl, I guess?" She asked and I just hummed.

"You're wasting your time for her." She said.

"You know I can make you forget about her." She whispers in my ears, as I felt her hand palming in my crotch.

"I don't know... Can you really make me?" I asked and smirked. I really want to forget. I need to.

"Of course." She said and her other hand cups my cheek, and she kissed my jawline.

"I think, we should take this in my room." I suggested as she continues to kiss my jawline to my chin.

After that, I get her and after we took the elevator, we went in our room. Also in hurry, I can't manage to ask her name nor to take a look at her face. But before entering it, I take a look at Ariana's door. I think for some seconds but I shouldn't care about her anymore.

We entered my room and went straight to the bedroom, she pushed me to sat at the edge of the bed and sat on my lap. She starts unbuttoning my shirt while she's straddling on me. She starts nibbling in my neck, sucking it pleasurably. Also, she roams her hands in my body, every inch of it.

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