23: The Diall Hovato

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As long as we got each other, as long as we're together... We're forever.


What did he just said!? This is too much for me right now. Niall's undying or out undying feelings for each other. Then, Luke's secret. This is bizarre.

"Wait, yo-you're a Diall shipper!?" I asked.

"Yeah." He simply said.

"Why? And how?" I asked and I'm really confused if this is happening right now.

"I don't know. Maybe Niall is my closest friend and I found that both you are cute. Then, I start to shipped it. By the way, Ashton and Calum are Hariana shippers. And Michael is beside me." He said and this is super creepy.

"You know, this is the craziest thing I've ever heard." I said and he just laughed.

"You know the interview back then, when you said that you two broke up, together with the Hariana, the four of us cried all day long. We shared different pains. And we just think we can get over it and yeah, we did it." He said and I burst in laughter.

"What the fuck!? Shared different pains? The hell!?" I said in the middle of my laughter.

"Why!? That will be the shippers reaction when the couple broke up." He defended as I still laughing hard.

"But, seriously, thank you, Luke. I don't know what to do because you let me go." I said and this feeling came back, making me to feel more alive.

"Demi, I didn't let you go, what we had back then is nothing. We're special friends, right? And I'm doing this because this is the chance. God gave you the chance, the two of you, to reconcile and to be back. Shared the feelings you had back then." Luke said and I hugged him.

"Thank you. I really owe you one." I said and I'm excited to confess my undying feelings for my baby blonde.

"Hey, stop hugging me or else, we will go straight to heaven." He said and yeah, he's driving.

He just continue driving while I'm smiling on what could possibly happen. But after all, is Niall still really do love me? Because he confessed his feelings before me and him fought.

"We're here." Luke said and we just get in the boys' flat, after fifteen minutes.

"I'm excited but I feel nervous." I said and my stomach is churning.

"Demi, just go. He still loves you. Both of you still love each other." Luke said.

I get out of the car and notice him that e is still inside, just smiling and motioning for me to go.

"You're not coming?" I asked curiously.

"Why would I?" He said with a confused look.

"So, you're not coming?" I asked again.

"Nah." He said and smiled.

"Okay, I'm really, really thank you for everything. For being there, for comforting me, for cheering me up always. You're really a great friend. And we're special friends. Don't forget - - Why did you honked at me!?" I shouted instantly while saying those kind of words.

"You're rambling. And I'm not yet dead so don't give me that farewell words and get inside the flat. Now!" He shouted and started the engine, drove away.

Now, I'm here. I sighed and take a short walk to get in the door. Every step is a loud heartbeat, every step is every memories coming back. When I first got here, because Niall saved me from Joe. When the courting starts here. This makes me feel good. The time me and Ariana stayed here.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now