41: The Nightmare And Dream

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I know it will happen sooner or later, because me, Harry Styles are ready to spend my life with my princess, forever.


I'm here outside the bus in the middle of the night. We're currently on the stop right now, so it was like, I'm the only one here outside. All I heard is the air and some birds chirping, or I just heard it mistakenly. My eyes are just roaming around the view. Well, the view is, tour buses and street lights. Nice.

I'm just sitting at the ground, looking at my lap, playing with my nails. I didn't expect all of this to come. I wiped my tears that are continuing to fall. My eyes are very swollen and irritated, I must say. Wonder why? In the two months that me and Harry are back, we just have a fight, our first fight again, a while ago.

It hurts a lot to have a fight with him again. Because it's hard to contain yourself once you're angry, you might do the unexpected thing or say the painful and unexpected words. Of course, I still have those fears, fear of being alone, which is I currently feeling right now. Another one is fear of being hurt, well it just happened.

Harry is inside the tour bus now, I don't know if he's resting or not. But, all I heard is nothing, so probably he's taking a rest right now. Well, the others, boys and girls are wandering the whole city here in Portland, Oregon. It's pretty amusing once I saw their tall buildings here.

So, back to us, me and Harry, I think I should be ready for everything, I mean I'm new to this again, after almost a year, being single and broken. I should be ready for more misunderstandings, argues and fights, but as what we learned back then, we won't let all of these rip us apart or break us, ruin us. Because we already experienced it, so we should be more aware of that.

Now, I know, every time passes by, I'm getting stronger, but at the same time, there are still fears in me, that are very hard to let go. Well, if I have Harry, I can, but in case of this situation, we got a fight. So, both of us now are alone. Why do we have a fight? I think it's my fault too. Damn it.

I'm here at the dressing room with Demi getting started for the concert of the tour. The other girls are with the boys.

"Ari, will you go out with us, we will wander this whole city, later?" Demi said while fixing her hair extensions.

"Sure, with Harry." I said while applying my lipstick.

"Demi, I got a question." I said and it really bothers me.

"What?" She asked and looked at me.

"When you will get married?" I asked and she coughed in shocked. As I said about the topic we had yesterday with the other girls, excluding Demi. The marriage and family stuffs were stuck in my mind and always thinking about it.

"Why do you need to asked that question?" Demi asked.

"It is not good to answer a question with another question." I said.

"I know, I mean why marriage is in your mind. Do you want to get married?" She asked and it turns out, I'm the one being asked now. Thanks to me.

"I don't know. But of course, I want to get married, but for now, I don't think so." I said honestly.

"Okay? But for me, I want to get married when I'm still in 20's. So that, I can still enjoy life, because when I reach 30's, probably the family will start." Demi said.

"So, how about Niall proposed, as in right now?" I asked.

"Of course, yes. He's the love of my life and I know he is the right one for me. After what happened in us, we proved it. That at this time, we're still and always be forever." Demi said while giggling and I almost starts tearing up.

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