20: The Affirmation

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I will be happy if she will be happy, even though she won't be mine anymore.


Three hours ago, I'm a total mess and a fucking bitch to them. But now, I can say that I start going back in who I really was. I start to go back on what Demi is. A bad ass, yet loveable girl, that now is not filled with anger towards them.

We're here at the boys' room, telling stories, laughing at silly jokes, or should I say what we usually do back then. But we're a puzzle with a missing piece, only a piece, Ariana.

It's still incomplete without her. I really miss her. I'm not regretting to forgave these guys, but I can't blame Ariana if she can't move on about her anger in them. Maybe she really do moved on the thing between her and Harry. But the pain she had, she still didn't. I really want to talk to her. I'm super miserable if she is not with me.

"Demi?" Perrie said and now I'm back in the real world.

"Ye-Yeah?" I said and blinked many times.

"Are you high?" She asked as she chuckled.

"No, I'm not using weeds." I said and they laughed.

"Really!? All of you won't believe me!?" I said as they continue to laugh at me.

"I beleive!" Niall said and a small smile is forming on the corner of my lips.

"Thanks, blonde." I said and here goes the silence, wherein I can see the reddish cheeks of Niall.

"So, we're leaving in just a minute... Ariana and you shared a tour bus, right? So what's gonna happen?" Louis asked curiously and I remembered.

"I don't know, maybe she'll just give me silent treatment or to kick me out of the bus?" I said and smiled to myself on he things that might happen.

"But if that happens, you can join us, because girls are here too." Liam said and the girls get excited as I smiled at hem.

"Oh. Thanks, but I should talk to her first." I said and looked down again on my lap.

"Demi, everything will be alright. Don't worry, we're all here." Harry said as he hug me, cooing at me to stop stressing myself.

"I don't know, guys. I'm still clueless, when, how and where to start." I said and cry again.

That's true. Having these situations in my life, makes me sick. I don't know how to start again. I'm still worried about Ariana. She was just eaten by her anger and grudge, I know the Ariana is still inside of her. She just need to forget all of her angers and let her be enlightened by the word love.

"Excuse, guys." I said and left the room.

I'm outside of their room, I left them. I need to fix myself first. I sighed and wiped my tears. I'm tired of crying. Unknowingly, Niall went after me.

"Dems... Stop crying." He said and I can't take it, I hugged him very tight, gripping his clothes tightly.

"Shh... Everything will be alright, we're here now." He said, soothing me.

He caresses my back and he let me cried in his shirt. Until, I received a kiss from my forehead as we pulled out and cupped my cheeks.

Why? Why is he still doing these to me? After all what I did to him, I always shouting, scolding, and breaking him. But why he chooses to comfort me than be happy because he saw me like these?

"Niall?" I said.

"Yes?" He said as he smiled a bit, still cupping my cheek and caresses it.

"Why are still making me feel okay, even if I did to many bad things to you?" I asked as my voice cracks.

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