06: The Phase

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How can you step in to the next chapter of your life, if the previous chapter is holding your back?


When Niall, gave me a small smile, I felt something inside. It was like I have been enlightened. But, every time I saw him, memories are coming back, mostly the last one. When I saw him and Selena together in bed.

"Ugh... I should've think that again." I said to myself very disappointed.

Now all of them are gone. The screams are now all gone, like our love to them. Our friendship and relationship with them are all gone. It won't be fixed, it won't be built again. It was all shattered and lost.

Until, I heard someone sobbing inside our apartment. Who is it? Of course, it's my bet friend. I'm too dumb if I didn't know that. I quickly knocked the door as nervousness is building in my body.

"Ari, this is Demi, please open the door." I said and I'm super worried. Then, she opened it and quickly hugged me tight.

"I'm scared..." She said and her voice is too raspy now as I let her soak on my clothes.

"Don't worry, I'm here now." I said and caresses her back.

We went inside the apartment and let her sit. I gave her a water and gave them the food I took out. After she ate, she began pondering as silence is taking over us.

"Demi, I don't know where and when to start in moving on." She said and still sobbing as she broke the silence.

"Me too, I'm still clueless about it, but I keep trying different ways." I said.

"But we can move on and let go, right?" She asked with full of hope in her eyes.

"Yes, all of us can move on, but it will take too long and a right time saying to yourself that you finally move on." I said and hugged her.

"Yeah, as long as we got each other." She said and I'm happy about what she shows now.

This is the most hardest, moving on. You don't know if you will be better after this or worse. But one thing is for sure, that while moving on, you're getting stronger.


We got back in our flat. Mixed emotions are in us, scared, don't what to do, feeling hated, feeling unloved, all the negative feelings are now on us. Mostly on me and Harry, but we deserve worse than this.

Harry is still wild and want to come back. But, the three don't let him, they just assisted him in his room. While me, sitting at the bench outside our house in our garden. I'm staring at the beautiful flowers, plants and butterflies, in our garden, which reminds me about someone beautiful.

I think Demi is true. We should move on now and just focus on ourselves like what are they doing. But every single moment I'm with them, mostly with her, I will never forget nor erase it in my mind. That's the only thing I have right now, memories with them, mostly with her.

I also think, I should give it a try. Trying to let go and be positive, that's life. How can you step in to the next chapter of your life, if the previous chapter is holding your back?

I hope after all of this, all of us are okay. It will take time to move on, but the most important is every single second or a minute or a day, you're improving and not staying to be broken.

First step, I went back inside our house and I still hear Harry's screams. I went to the kitchen and grabbed all of the bottles of beer or alcohols. If I will make myself drunk, I can forget my problems, but when I'm sober, is the problem solved? No, the problem is still there.

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