22: The Infatuation

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A condition, wherein you feel intense love in someone, but in just a short span of time.


It's been three days when me and Ariana had a fight because of forgiving them. It's been also three days when Ariana starts avoiding me. When she sees me, I'm ghost and nothing for her. And it always makes me sad because I saw her still continuing what she did back then, cutting. We still share the same dressing room and I always see fresh cuts, like what happened before the concert, I saw a deep cut on her wrist. She don't really need to do this.

Actually, we're back again here in Los Angeles because Simon set some meetings. And he announced that we will have a one week break. And he'll move the dates of our tour. So, the boys will go back to their flat with their girls. And I don't know how about me, because me and Ariana are sharing condo. But, the girls asked me that I can stay with them, which is good. But, I'll just wait what will happen in our condo.

It's been also three days when me and Luke starts going out, I can't consider it as a date, but sometimes I feel it is. I start to develop a little feelings for him, but it always fading when someone is capturing my attention, Niall.

Niall is somewhat avoiding me or I don't know. When I tried to talk to him because I'll just want to settle things right when we had a fight, he isn't answering. Sometimes he'll say some excuses, like he's hungry, which is always true. It's super weird, after I forgave them and being close with him again, this happened. Is he okay?

Now, we're going back to the tour bus to take them home, Perrie asked me to stay with them before I go back to the condo, but me and Luke are going out again. I'll just wait him in the boys' tour bus, because he'll fetch me there.

While walking in the hallway, I bumped on someone, Ariana. We stared at each other for a long time.

"I hope you're okay." I spoke.

"Never been better... You know it." She said and I really miss her so much.

"Please... Stop cutting." I said and let tears fall down in my eyes.

"I can't, that's my only cure to heal the wounds inside of me, which you made worse." She said and walked away.

I'm still eager to change her and I'll get her back.


I'm still depressed right now, again. Too many cuts in my wrist, it is very hard to cover. I'm miserable and I knew it. After all of this, no one can change me, even Demi.

It's been days without my sister on my side. My sister who I laugh with, talk with, bond with and most importantly, the sister that I love. Demi.

This is me, a horrible one. A fucking, bitch woman who made others miserable. There's no way, they can forgive me after all I did to them. Also, I don't know if I can too. I'm not ready for that. Now, I'm regretting why I still live here, I hope I just died after I fell and hit that fucking rock.


We're here now at the tour bus and waiting for Demi, before she went out with Luke. They're going better, but they aren't dating, they just hanging out together. I noticed something obviously, Niall is kinda super stressed when Demi starts going out with Luke. He didn't talk to us nor to her. Every time we go out, he just want to be left alone. He really need to tell us something.

But, Taylor isn't coming back with us. Again. Since she released her album "1989", she really need to promote it. Going in different radio stations, television guesting and performing in some stages, which makes me pissed. Because we are given a one week break and this, we don't have a time to spend it with each other.

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