30: The Kiss

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It is best to kiss him, but it was a mistake to kiss him, because he has a girlfriend, they're committed with each other.


Why is he here? And I fucking hate, no, we fucking hate each other. Memories with him, doesn't affect me now. The way I look in him right now is just a civil one. He's a complete stranger to me.

"Joe?" I said and he smirks.

"You look beautiful... Everyday." He said and as my nervousness began.

"Okay? Why are you here?" I asked and I don't know why I felt nervous? I should punch him right now.

"I'm here because I followed you." He simply said as he smirks again.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I'm getting scared now... I really need Niall now.

"Well, since you became an airport couple with him, I started following you. Even in your vacation... Until these..." He said and he's a fucking stalker!?

"Your crazy and I need to leave now." I said and but he went on my way.

"I just want to say sorry for what I've done, and I realized that I'm still in love in you." He said.

"What the fuck are you talking about!?" I asked.

He enters the room easily and quickly, I found a chance to ran out, but he stopped me by my hair. When I'm about to scream, he covers my mouth and kicked the door closing and locked it. What the fuck is he doing to me!?

He does not love me anymore, he hurt me, then when I confront him, the things between us are settled and already done. And why is he doing these? He is going towards me, while I'm stepping backwards, until we reached our room, meaning to say, our room, me and Niall's room.

"I'll show you what I'm talking about." He said and pushed me in bed.

He crawls on to me, and he licked his lips, then start attacking my neck. I pushed him away and get up. But he quickly pushed me in the wall, make a tight grips in both of my wrist. Then, he began attacking my neck. This is fucking sick and disgusting.

"Help!" I start screaming for help.

"Niall!" I said, but he's on the lobby.

I can't fight Joe right now. My strength can't over his strength. I started to cry and he's abusing me right now. He began kissing and sucking the skin in my collar bone. It didn't make me feel the love, it didn't makes me erupt in billions of butterflies, no emotions at all. Because there's only one who can make me feel good, make me feel what unconditional love is, and many more and it's him, Niall.

I really need a help now. I can't take it anymore. I'm getting stress again and what I saw right now is blurring and my mind is spinning. I closed my eyes, knowing what will happen next.

The next time I know, is I fell and sat on the floor, no more tight grips in my burning wrists and no one's skin or lips are on my body. My back is leaning on the wall. I slightly opened my eyes, and it's still blurred but I already know what's happening. I sighed in relief, but starts worrying.

Joe was pinned down, by Niall...


We waited for the lobby, more than 10 minutes and I started to get worry that time, while Demi isn't coming back yet. So, I decided to go to her, since that our room is only in second floor, it will be a lot easy. The elevator door opened and I quickly went to our room, when I entered the room, I heard my name being called and it's Demi.

Forever 3: "The Chances" (Hariana / Diall)Where stories live. Discover now