32: The Repetition

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The hearts that were made as one before, are repeating its actions.


The rest of the plane ride was silent. We're here now at the lobby getting our reserved rooms here at the hotel in L.A. My room is only besides Demi and Niall's room, great. While Harry and Taylor's room is right in front of my room, super great. Sarcasm, right?

About what happened earlier, I got out from that little rest room, with a swollen eyes. Harry saw me again that time, he wanted to talk to me, but I shouted at him again. Until, Taylor woke up that time and almost ripped off my face about what I did to him. But Harry managed her to stop.

"Haz, are you excited for our room?" Taylor said, smirking while looking at me.

Oh, by the way, we're in the elevator. I'm stuck with a handsome and a witch just for seconds.

"Yeah." Harry said and I know they're making baby again.

I just need to avoid them for maybe short time. When we're still on the road going to this hotel. I already text Demi and the other guys and girls. So, I think they're in Demi and Niall's room, now.

So, the "ting" sound made its way, or else the two persons at my back starts eating each others' lips. I went out of the elevator bringing my suitcases. Also, them, then, once I get inside my room, I just dragged my suitcases on bedroom and starts wandering the whole room, it's super great here, to stay alone. I don't need to rest, and just want to see them.

I opened my door and I told you, I saw a handsome and a witch also opening the door, at the same time. Taylor just looked at me in anger of course, while Harry is kind of I don't know. He is no emotion at all as I seen on his face.

"Babe, I'll just go to Selena." Taylor said.

"Okay, babe. Take care." He said and Taylor starts walking, until she went back again.

"Oh, I forgot something." She said and smirks at me.

"What is - - " Harry was cut off by her lips and starts sucking it, while Taylor is smirking at me.

I thought to myself that I'm a great kisser than her. If I could only ask Harry who's the best. I'm fucking jealous, okay? But I don't and shouldn't. After that, she left, leaving me and Harry on the hallway.

We both go in front of Demi and Niall's room. I put my hand in the doorknob and he also, at the same time, so he's kind of holding my hand and it gives me electricity. I looked at him, raising my eyebrow, and he put his hand away.

I opened the door and saw all of them sitting at the couch others are on the floor watching television. Then, when they saw us, smile is forming on their faces. And I gave my smile, it's good to be back.

"Ariana!?" All of them said and Demi pulled me inside, then gave a bone crushing - literally - hug.

"Oh my God, I've missed you so much!" Demi said and tears of joy.

"I really missed you too." I said and hugged her.

Wow! It feels great to be back for them. I mean, the family where I really belong. The family that we built and it will be our family as always. Even though, the two of them are not in a relationship.

"Guys... Uhm... I'm sorry for all and thanks." I said and I don't want to be sad anymore.

"It's fine, Ariana. And all of us really and still love and care for you." Liam said.

"Thanks... Dad." I said and they laughed.

"Wow! Kind words, Ariana. Kind words..." Liam said sarcastically.

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