54: The Chances

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Maybe we aren't perfect, but we're perfect together. When the two different worlds collide, it was a blast. But behind that blast, there is a good surprise.

After one year...


"Haz!" I heard Niall screaming.

"What?" I snapped making him frown.

"You should attend the meeting this night." Niall said while fixing his clothes.

"Ni, Harry can't attend. That's why just only four of us will attend." Liam explained after he drank the bottled water.

"But..." Niall keeps pleading.

"Ni, no buts. Harry won't and shouldn't attend." Zayn said and all of them was right.

I just looked down remembering what happened in past year. It was miserable and full of shits, honestly. I though it won't end and just continue to live in the disastrous life. Also, I don't even know how I passed that horrible year. But thanks to my best friends and my family they really helped me a lot, to cope up and to move on.

I thought I'll be back again in my old Harry before. The Harry that was really and always wasted, lifeless and know how to fucked up things. But these best friends of mine really made me to be strong. Again.

The night when me and Ariana met our parents, that was the last night I thought that will end well. Like all of them will agree. But no, it was a catastrophic night mostly for me. Even if I want to cry that time about some painful words that was bombarded at me.

Also, it's hard for me to see that Ariana stood up for me. It's hard for me to see that she chooses me over her family. I'm lucky about that. But I started to realize that her parents are right. I'm not deserving, I'm just a user, I'm just a fucking dick man for Ariana.

Ariana on the other hand, was really hurt about what I said and did. I hurt her so much. I promised that during that time I will never hurt her. But guess what, I hurt her. I gave up during that time, I broke down. I almost wreck my car because of my anger in myself. I really do hate myself, about putting everyone in the edge.

Remembering that night, not only makes me sick but it makes me want to do it again, because I'm getting angry and hate on myself. Why would I even gave up on everything? After all that she did, all the sacrifices that she did, isn't worth for me. Even a single of it.

"Haz, you will come this night, right? We need you on the meeting!?" Niall said and still forcing me but I can't. Before the others scold him again, I cut them off.

"Niall, I can't. Please understand. I have my honeymoon." I said and giggled.

Yes, I will have a honeymoon this night with Ariana, of course. Because this is the day wherein we will be united as a married couple. A real life one. No acts, no managements, unlike in the movie. This is for real, not for reel. I can't wait no more.

About what I said before was true, it was really a miserable past year for us, because of unexpected fights and challenges that came, during and after the tour. The tour was already done eight months ago. In that eight months, the rest or break is included there, also the plans on the wedding. I must add, enjoying and loving being engaged.

It might be super early for us to be married. Because some couples took years before they got married. But we don't care, we felt that we're the one for each other, we felt that we really want to spend the rest of our lives with each other. And nothing can stop you if you really want it. That's what we want.

It was really tough though. All the preparations. Sometimes we almost don't want to have everything and just rush to the altar to get married. But it was a start for everything and this kind of preparation will be more challenging once we have some little Styles running around.

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