19: The Remedies

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It's time to straight and enlighten the curvy and dark paths that I entered.


Now, I'm here at my dressing room, continue packing my clothes. God, that game still annoys me. Every time I saw his fucking face crying, it gives me happiness. It's priceless. Then, Demi entered the room.

"Demi, I'm so sorry, about what I've said to you a while ago." I said and hugged her.

I don't what got in to me and did that to her. I'm just annoyed and irritated by every thing and everyone that time. I didn't mean to release my anger at her.

"It's fine. I'm sorry too." She said and I feel wetness in my shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" I asked worried but she didn't say anything and continue to soak on my clothes. "Did they do something to you? I'll go to them." I said and clenched my fist.

"No, they didn't do anything. I'm just thinking something since after what happened a while ago." She said and trying to wipe her tears but it's no working, it's continuous.

"What is it?" I asked and she cries more. "Demi, what is it? Please stop crying." I said.

"I don't know how to say this..." She said and sighed. "I think we should forgive them..." She said.

Fuck! What is she talking about!? What is happening to her!? Did she forget what they did to us!? Did she just gave up for making them suffer!? Why is she doing this!?

"Take back what you've said and stop joking, it isn't funny." I said as I shook my head.

"No, we should stop this, Ariana. We've done too much." She said.

"No, we won't!" I protested and realized that she isn't joking at all.

"What do you want to happen!? Will everything be alright, when you got what you want!?" She said in exasperation, maybe more on emphasis.

"Yes, everything will be alright! It will be fair. What they did to me should back fire to them!" I explained and that reason is enough to continue what are we doing.

"You already moved on, right? We shouldn't keep doing these, many people might implicate and it became worse." She explained.

"Yes, I already moved on. But I want them to feel what I felt when I'm broken!" I shouted in anger and I can't handle this right now.

"That's the past Ariana, we should forget that and start something new again." She said.

"We just started something new. A new that will break them all." I said calmly as I breath heavily.

"I'm sorry for making you like that. I was wrong, I shouldn't told you to hate them. Now, I'm regretting what we've done." She said and looked down.

"Yes, that's the point. You told me to hate and never forgive them and that's what I'm doing now. And you're regretting it!?" I said, questioning all what she has said.

"Please, we just need to stop, before something really bad happens." She said and hugged me.

"No, I won't... We won't." I said through my gritted teeth.

"I want the old Ariana, I want our old ones." She said and I pushed her.

"I thought you're in to this!? We both agreed right!? What's happening to you!?" I yelled in her face as she cries more.

"Yes I agreed, but I just want a peaceful life for us. Peaceful life like you, when you with your family and I'm on my work. We need to forget what they did. All we have done is enough. I don't want to hurt anymore. I don't want a revenge anymore. Let's just fucking accept all the things happening right now." She explained.

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