53: The Last Question

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It was like all of my efforts just to protect and to stand up for him became wasted. Is my parents right? Am I wrong when I gave each other a chance in the first place? Am I wrong to say yes that he will marry me? Is all of this will become a waste?


Me and Harry are now getting ready, because now is Friday in the evening. Meaning to say, that this is the day wherein if our parents will be on our wedding, but most importantly, if they will blessed our relationship and our engagement.

Also me and Harry we've been start discussing about our wedding plans, about what we want. But we're not focusing in that one, it was too early. We are just engaged for two weeks and what do we want for now is to focus on our work, ourselves before our wedding stuffs.

I mean it was very exciting when me and Harry always sharing our ideas and other perspectives about it. It's like when we opened up about it, it was like we want to run all the way to some random church and get married. Without anyone, only us and the priest.

Also, we want to finish this tour that was still ongoing and it was only four months left before this tour will end. And after the tour, we will have our break, so we can rest and also for me and him, we can talk about it. We can settle everything. Because wedding is one of the biggest needs of preparations. It is not only about the church, reception, people or everything, it was also about the decision making, brain storming of ideas, that was really exhausting even we are not yet doing it.

Everytime I think about or imagine it every night or every day, it was always great and it makes me more want to be a wife of him. To marry him. I'm imagining my walk in the aisle, while all of them are looking and smiling at me. Walking in aisle, maybe crying or seeing my groom begin to sob while watching me. About what will I wear, who will be the bride's maid or best man, whoever she or he is. That was too little because being in a wedding will be filled with good memories in every seconds of that ceremony.

Of course on this present time and day, nothing was change about Eleanor and Sophia. They're still not answering our calls and messages, even calling us back, negative. The rumors also are start digging up because all of us are spotted many times, without them. But we just keep our mouth shut.

Louis and Liam are still depressed though, Liam can eat but Louis can barely. Demi was also like their therapist, since she have been through depression and luckily survived it. But on handling emotions, both of them end up crying all night and regretting what they did. Basically about all these stuffs about them, I'm afraid to say that Eleanor and Sophia will not comeback anymore. But my hopes, their hopes and our hopes was still high. They are always welcome when they are ready to comeback.

Also me and Harry can feel some tension to the others, Demi and Niall, and Perrie and Zayn. When we rehearse together, like all the artists that are included in this tour, singing one song, after that they're not together physically, which is unusual. Because after that, we can see them cuddling or making out, the things that wasn't happening anymore to them.

We asked them but all they can do is to nod, hum or just to say yes or no. It was like they are hiding something from us. Me and Harry felt bad about this, because we can't help them due to this meeting with the family. But after this, we will. We cannot stand to see all of our best friends to be like these. We want all of us to be happy and enjoy every moment of our lives, with our loved ones.

"Ariana, if you won't still wear your outfit, I might take you to the bed right now. Since the sight is very good." Harry said, biting his lip as I jumped off a bit.

I almost forgot that I'm standing in front of the long mirror, staring at myself while I'm still on my lingerie. I'm over thinking about everything again. And I spotted Harry sitting on the bed, eying my behind as I seen on the mirror.

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