02: The Crestfallenness

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I promise that this day will be the last cry and tomorrow, is to welcome the first smile.

After three months...


Now, I'm here at our condominium in Los Angeles. It's almost three months, since I was released at the hospital. My management and few friends, only knew about what happened to me and to Demi.
They gave me another month for a break, so I can rest, physically, emotionally and mentally. I tried to watch news and read articles about me and I saw something like this, and I'm answering it in my mind.

"Hariana is over and Haylor are back!?"

Yes, we're over and they're back. Unfortunately.

"Did Ariana cheated on Harry?"

For fuck's sake, I'm not the one who cheated.

"Harry was spotted with Taylor, how about Ariana?"

Yeah, they're sweet and I'm not his princess anymore, and we are not together anymore. He's just a fucking asshole who played me, with her bitch.

I still experiencing the hurt and pains inside. It didn't get away even a little. It's too painful, I'm thinking everyday on how I can move on. How can I move on, if I will always see his face? In the news, in Google, in music channels, in billboards, in fans' t-shirt, the worst is in my cellphone, were he's the lock screen, that's why I can't barely open my cellphone.

By the way, Demi, is not here, she's busy on her music career, that's why she can't go back here, almost everyday. That's why almost all the time, I'm here alone. All alone.

I spend my morning alone, and here comes the afternoon, what's new? Still alone. I went in our couch and opened the television, while I'm eating.


I'm afraid if I can't go back in our condo this day. I got many works to do after the horrible vacation. Still, I will be distracted in thinking about them, so I'll just sing and sing to forget it little by little. Then, Ariana called me, thank God.

"Hello, Ariana, what are you doing?" I asked with a cracked voice.

I can't help it, I still can't move on, it's like the pains I've experienced when I'm with Joe, came back again. It's more painful than what I've thought. Instead of smiling in front of Ariana, we will just cry, while hugging each other.

"I'm fine trying to be happy, watching and eating." She said sadly.

"Me too, I'll just sing to forget, but I can't." I said.

"That's pretty hard. By the way, are you sure you aren't going home here?" She asked like she's expecting.

"I'm sorry, I think I can't." I said as I bit my lip in nervousness.

"Oh, it's fine. By the way, we need to end this call, you got a work to do." She said and I know she's crying, I want to run to go to her, but I can't.

"Okay, bye." I said and the call was ended.

After that, I still continue in my music. But, now it became worse, I can't write any single word. No, I wrote something.

"I miss my best friend."

Yeah, not part of the song, but still I wrote something. Every minute passed, it's making making me worst. I got to do something.

"Guys, I need to leave now." I said as I grabbed my purse.

"What? No, you can't, you got a work to do." My co writer said.

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