𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 3

418 17 16

Killua pov

I had finally gotten home from the beach and threw my backpack aside. I didn't have time to go to the gas station since it was getting dark, and my mother would get angry if I stayed out past time.

When I reached the staircase, I saw my older brother illumi sitting on the couch with a book in hand. His long black hair rested on his shoulders and he sighed. My older brother went to the same university as Leorio, and they've actually had a few run ins with each other. Most of them sadly, weren't pretty.

"Oh hey Killua, did school go well?"he asked and I scoffed a little.

"It was fine, and why would you care?" I then walked over to stand in front of him.

He set down his book and shrugged.

"I don't, I'm only asking to make sure you're staying on track." He said blankly.

I rolled my eyes before walking away from him and going up the stairs. My head felt heavy, so I hung it low and yawned. I was exhausted and went into my room. My room wasn't anything special. I had a twin sized bed with a pink comforter, and I had some LED lights hanging up. Other than that I had some retro pictures covering one wall, then some posters of my favorite video games on the other. It was simple really. I also had a desk beside my bed with a cushioned gaming chair sitting at it. My desk had two monitors sitting out with an airflow case beside it.

I sighed before turning on the fans in the case and turned the lights inside of it to be the color blue. I then turned on my monitors and began playing some games. I connected my Nintendo switch so I could have the game up on the screen and see it better.

I was enjoying some animal crossing when I felt my brain render back to those eyes that were looking at me.. I could remember them very clearly. And I was starting to think it wasn't an animal anymore. Those eyes seemed way too human. They were big, round, and full of curiosity. I was wondering what it really was..

I decided not to bring it up with Leorio, because he would probably tell me the same thing he said before. Which I don't blame him for it, but I don't agree with him...

Suddenly illumi came barging into my room and I looked over to him.

"This better be important.." I say while pausing my game.

illumi had an angry look on his face and he lifted his phone. It showed my grades. They were all A's so I didn't understand. But he scrolled down to my math class and it showed a D. Well shit.

"You better fix this before mother and father see it.. they will be very upset with you. Much more than I am.." illumi said and I shrugged.

"What even messed up the grade? It was literally an A today. Also you don't sound very threatening so I'm not worried." I said with a smirk.

illumi's eye twitched and he tried to hold his composure.

"It says you got a pretty bad grade on your quiz from last Friday. So you should probably speak the teacher into letting you redo it. Tell her that you had a family issue distracting you or something.. and also I will be fucking threatening if you want me to be.." Illumi said, and his eyes became a little scary.

I then raised my hands up and turned back to my game.

"Alright fine I'll fix it tomorrow, but I'm just wondering how the hell it took my grade down so much." I say and Illumi just sighed before storming out.

I was relieved when he left and had my mind go back onto those eyes again. I then saved my game and went onto the internet browser. I quickly typed into the search bar and waited for some results to show up. I want to see if anyone else is experiencing this..

I clicked onto an article at the very top and began to read.

"Ocean's eyes~
In the ocean there is so much that we don't know. There is a lot beyond our reach. Like new species, ruins, and history. There have been multiple reports throughout the past five years of people feeling eyes watching them. Many experienced this on the beaches. Some felt it in Japan, some in America, and some even in Iceland. It's all over the map. People explained that they would feel something watching them from the water, then they would look to just miss figures ducking away. Could this be a new species that's studying the human race? What could this new species be? A scientist claims that it could be mer-people, the greatly known creatures in stories. He got backlash and hate for it, since many don't believe in such things. But could he be right? Could mer-people really exist?"

I stopped reading there and rubbed my chin. Mermaids? There's no way.. I've only seen them in movies and such. How could they be real? If so why haven't we found them before? Just this is very confusing.. was a mermaid actually watching me today? Who the hell knows..

Suddenly another link popped up, and it was to a video.. huh? I clicked on it and saw some dude diving in a coral reef over in Australia. He was taking pictures when out of no where a figure zoomed by and started biting him and attacking. The man screamed and dropped the camera. It landed below him and showed an awful sight.. it seemed like something with a human torso and head, with a fish like tail tearing him apart. Is this actually real?! Many in the comments just claimed it to be edited and fake. But I didn't think so.. that looked pretty damn real.

In the caption of the video, they say that the man is claimed dead and scientists are looking into the situation currently. Wow.. who knew those pair of eyes would get me into a deep place.

Who was it that was watching me?

That's all I could think right now.. I saw more videos of possible mermaid sightings and I watched them all out of curiosity. I was surprised to see they were quite trustworthy. The one that made me become the most surprised, was where a camera was hidden in some sea grass on the sand. It showed the waves above moving around for quite some time until... a figure slowly swam over it. I covered my mouth when I saw a mermaid figure pass over it. It's tail seemed more like a shark than anything.. and in the light I could see it's blonde hair. It wasn't fake... because I just could tell.

What is all of this? Why haven't I heard about this before? Ya I'm never really on the internet looking for weird shit but how did I never find out about this? My family looks into lots of weird things and investigate. So I'm also very taken aback that they didn't see this either..

I checked where this video was recorded and my eyes widened. It was recorded here in the ocean by the beach. By the one me and Leorio go to.. shit. I have to tell him about this tomorrow! No.. I have to tell him now!

I quickly took out my phone and frantically pressed onto his phone number and it began to ring. It was a few seconds before he answered.

"Killua? Is something wrong?" He asked and I gulped.

"Um ya... Y'know how I told you I saw eyes watching me in the ocean today? Well I did some research out of paranoia and actually found out it could have been a mermaid. I found videos that people captured that prove they actually exist.. there was one even recorded here and it's the most terrifying one!!" I say while sending the links to him.

Leorio was quiet for a second, and I could only guess he was watching the videos. When he finished up, he spoke.

"Killua this.. it's hard to believe but I can't argue when there's full on proof here. I've learned very well how to tell if something is video edited, and this is clearly not.. do you really think a mermaid was watching us today?" Leorio asked.

"Yes I'm sure, there are many others who have seen the same. Maybe we should try to lure it out tomorrow or something.. I honestly want to meet it." I say and Leorio argued against it.

"No Killua we can't go luring these things out.. you saw the video where that one tore up someone. They are dangerous, we can't risk it." Leorio stated harshly.

"Well I'm still going to do it." I say with some attitude behind it.

"Why you little.."

I ended the call at his dark tone at the end and I took a deep breathe. The one that was watching me.. it's eyes didn't look angry or full of rage. They were full of curiosity and happiness it seemed..

Not all of them are dangerous, right?

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