𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 13

311 19 8

Gon pov

Today was so fun!! Kurapika met my human friends for the very first time, and warmed up pretty quickly! Which is actually surprising.. especially with his past. But maybe he's trying to move on and not let his past take over his life. Which is good, I've always wanted to tell him that.. but he realized it himself. He's one smart fella!

Currently I was still with Leorio and Killua, Kurapika had just left though. He said he was tired and would come back tomorrow with me. So we let him go and now we are just enjoying each others company.

Killua was swimming in the water with me again and we were playing around a little. But mainly we just held each other's hands and looked up at the sky. It was nice.. Leorio on the other hand was sitting on the docks still working on his laptop and eating some snacks he had brought with him.

"Hey Killuba?" I said, remembering something that happened earlier.

Earlier when I hugged Kurapika I got a weird aura from Killua. I got anger and Jealousy as a guess? But why would he feel that way..?

"Ya gon?" Killua responded and held me close to him with a smile.

"Um... I noticed something earlier.. when I was hugging Kurapika. I got a weird aura from you.. is everything ok? Did Kurapika just scare you?" I asked with concern.

Killua gulped and he looked away.

"Gon i... I'm sorry about that it's just.." Killua took a deep breathe and continued, "I just got jealous.. I just care about you so much and I don't want to lose you. For some reason seeing you with Kurapika made me feel like you would leave me.. I'm not sure why ugh I- I'm sorry." Killua said with a nervous expression on his face.

A frown went onto my face after what he said, and I set my little hand gently onto his chest. He was surprised and looked down to me from where he had looked off to the side.

"Killuba I'm sorry I made you jealous.. that wasn't my intention at all. But I promise you that I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever leave you!!! I promise!! You'll never lose me! I lub you Killuba so much!" I say with sadness and hugged him tightly.

Killua froze for a moment, but he hugged me back and held me closer.

"Hey hey it's ok it's not your fault that I got jealous.. I'm just a very protective guy Y'know? Especially over people that I love the most... I'll never ever leave you either gon alright? I love you too little buddy.." Killua said with a slight smile at the end.

I smiled a little too and nuzzled his cheek happily.

"Killuba is so sweet!!!" I cheered and swam around him quickly.

He giggled towards my action and started swimming with me again. This time we kept eye contact and I got an idea! I then did dolphin like jumps all around him and I swam underneath him too. I grabbed his hand in the process and had him swim under water with me. I brought him over to a school of fish that was up by the beach and I pointed at them with glee.

In response Killua smiled through holding his air in and we eventually had to go back up so he could breathe.

"Gon.. your so adorable I.." Killua said with a huge blushing sensation going all over his face. He went from pale to extremely red like a tomato.

"Awwww Killuba is so cute too!!!" I said sweetly while starting to cuddle his arm.

Killua blushed more but he still managed to nuzzle the top of my head and cleared my hair out of my face. I looked up to him with my big brown eyes and he grinned.

"Your eyes are always filled with curiosity, huh, it's interesting.." Killua said while still being all flustered.

I nodded and blinked a few times.

"Ya I'm always so curious about the world!! That's what lead me to meeting you!! I was so determined to prove to my aunt that not all humans are evil and nasty! And I've proved my point validly!" I say and puffed out my chest heroicly.

Killua laughed and elbowed me a little playfully.

"Well if your aunt doesn't see that you are happy, then she's clearly blind. She must have had a bad past with humans too." Killua pointed out.

I agreed.

"Ya she witnessed my mom get killed by poachers.. so I guess trauma is part of it.." I say sadly and wrapped my arms around myself for comfort.

Killua became saddened at what I said and he set his hand onto my shoulder.

"I'm sorry about the loss of your mom, however long ago it happened.. I bet she was a great woman.." Killua said and we were starting to head back to the docks since Leorio was signaling Killua that it was time to go.

"I bet she was great too! I never got to meet her.." I say sadly and watched him get up onto the docks and put his shoes on. He also slipped his shirt over his head.

After Killua was ready to leave Leorio waved goodbye to me and headed back towards the tree line. Killua though stayed behind for a moment and ruffled my hair.

"Hey go back home today alright? Even if your aunt isn't being kind... it's whats safe for you ok?" Killua said and I shrugged.

"Ok I will.. I'll see you tomorrow though Killuba!!" I bid my farewell to him before diving down and swimming away.

I headed back towards the small cave I slept in and sighed. I didn't want to go back home yet.. I'll just have to lie to them until the time is right. I don't want them getting too deeply involved and getting hurt or something..

Everyday I wonder.. what did I do to deserve them?

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