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Gon pov

Me and George had finished gathering weapons after about two hours. It was tough, but we got what we needed. Even though it wasn't as good as the stuff we had before, it would still pull us through.

Currently we were swimming back while holding bags of weapons. The others were chatting amongst themselves, but I stayed quiet. George swam beside me and I noticed him smiling.

"You know, your one special kid you know that?" George said and I raised a brow.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked whilst tilting my head towards him.

"Well.. you have a bright spirit, I barely see that in kids anymore. Human kids anyway. And you also have lots of compassion... the way you care for Killua and everyone else, it's special little dude." George said with another grin.

I smiled too and nodded.

"I mean, I always try to keep my bright spirit going. Lately it's been fading off but.. I'll fight to keep it alive! And I have always been compassionate for people. My aunt always told me that humans were bad but, I believed that everyone including humans were good. Of course there's the handful that's not as great, I try to see the best in every species." I explained to George and brushed my hand against some coral as we swam by.

"That's really unique isn't it? Many nowadays just assume everything is bad whenever mistakes are made. But you know just as much as I do, that every species has its down bad side, but also a good side." George responded.

"Exactly! For the longest time my aunt worried for me, but now she accepts it more than ever. It goes to show that people do change despite past events." I was looking up at the waves above us now, seeing that the sun was a little past dawn.

George chuckled towards my enthusiasm and nodded in agreement. As we went, I sensed a presence. A dark one...

"Everyone hide!" I say before grabbing George's arm and tugging him into a nearby hiding spot. The others also found a place to hide and stayed quiet.

"Wait what's going on?" George asked me and lifted his goggles to look around.

"Someone's here..." I mumbled and hushed George up afterwards.

Suddenly a figure swam out into the clearing in front of us. It was the monster named pouf.. I remember seeing him when...

Kite died.

My anger rised in me again, and I haven't seen it for a while. But now it was uncontrollable. My eyes glowed green and I could feel sparks of power flowing through my veins.

"Whoa whoa Gon calm down.. he'll see you!" George whispered to me and tried to hold me back.

But it was too late.

I shot out of the coral we hid in, and revealed myself to Pouf. He looked over when I whisked through the water, and he gasped. I didn't even give him time for chit chat though. I zoomed at him immediately, and punched him straight across the face. He gagged and fell back.

"Your that damn kid I've been hearing about aren't you..." Pouf chuckled with a smirk and I roared.

"Shut up! You took away someone very important to me!" I screeched at him, and I could feel my eyes glowing brighter.

The rising sun above the ocean was causing rays of red and orange to seep through the water. Making it almost look like a horror movie.

"Getting a little feisty no? Shouldn't you... respect your elders?" Pouf scoffed and I shook my head.

"You are no elder to me.. you are just a god damn monster, you want nothing but destruction!!" I yelled angrily.

Pouf rolled his eyes and zoomed behind me. I was about to turn and punch him again, but he grabbed my arm and twisted it. Making me get pinned into the sand. I saw George come out of hiding and yell.

"No! Stop!! Leave the kid alone!" George yelled and Pouf cackled.

"A puny human I see... you're playing in the wrong playground little man.." Pouf hissed and swam rather fast at George.

George was bracing himself, and closed his eyes. Pouf was about to punch him across the jaw, but I zoomed in front and caught his fist.

"You mess with him... then you mess with ME!" I screamed and felt my magic growing evermore within me.

Pouf was shot into the ground from the impact of my aura, and my fist glowed a bright green.

"This is your last waking moment on this planet... BITCH!" I screeched again, and I punched Pouf in the face with all the power I had.

That caused Pouf's face to get smashed into the ground, and I continued to punch him over and over. Until his head was smashed to bits, and he lay dead.

I panted and my magic faded off. I felt dread when I had realized how violent I had gotten. But at the same time I felt good.. I avenged Kite half way. Now all that was left to do, was kill Pitou.

"Gon!! Oh goodness you didn't have to protect me! Your face is all bruised!" George yelped and bandaged me up.

"It's fine George... I had to protect you. The last time I didn't protect someone from them... they..." I paused and gulped, "died.." I whispered sadly.

George frowned and set his hand onto my shoulder.

"I get it... but please don't go out there like that again with no warning. You could have gotten badly injured again. We can't risk that." George said and everyone else came out of hiding.

After that, I apologized to him and we all went back on our way. Leaving Pouf's dismembered corpse behind.

Kite, there's one down. One more to go.

(Sorry this part is so short! I was working on a cosplay for most of this week so I've been busy ;-; good news though, I finished the cosplay)

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