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Ten Years Later...
(In spongebob voice)

Killua and Gon are both 25 years old

Killua Pov

I laughed as I watched Leorio tragically mess up his gameplay on Mario kart. We both were having an epic rematch after I had defeated him before a few weeks ago. Yes I'm older now, but games will always be something soothing to me.

Gon currently said he had to go run an errand out in the ocean. Saying it was a surprise? If he gets himself hurt getting this so called surprise I'll literally go wild. I'm still an over protective bitch, what about it? Ya that's what I thought.. oh ya I'm just thinking to myself.

After our Mario kart match, which I happily won, I went to go wait on the seashore for Gon.

Now that we were older we both grew in height and changed in appearance quite a bit. I'm 6'3 now due to my fathers genes, not really fond of being this tall but it's alright. Gon on the other hand also received his fathers genes so he remained at a height of 5'8. He's so cute!!

Thinking about him reminded me of our wedding a few years back, three to be precise. Yes we are married now and happily living together in an apartment off of the ocean waters. I'm honestly the happiest I could ever be. My husband is much thanks to that. He's so damn cute and cuddly i don't know what to do with him! :3 (MHM I PUT IT)

After what felt like ages though Gon amerged from out of the water with his human legs coming into shape once in the sand.

"Hey Killua!" He said happily and skipped up to me.

I poured my bottom lip and fake cried.

"What happened to the little name you made for me? Awww I was so excited to hear it.." I whined jokingly and ruffled Gon's hair. He squealed and folded his arms.

"Fine, Killuba!" He shouted with his eyes clenched closed, making me chuckle out of the adorable aura coming from my husband.

After that Gon seemed to have something else on his mind.

"Hey, is something up? What's wrong?" I asked and Gon grinned a little.

"Well, remember the surprise I talked about?" He said shyly in which I nodded in response, "well it may be shocking, you may be mad but, I feel that we're ready.." Gon said and looked down to his feet again.

"Huh? Ready for what?" I asked.

"A family."

It took me a moment to register his words and I felt my jaw drop to the ground. Is he talking about a child? I'm always wanted a kid of my own one day, especially raising them alongside my husband! But did he really go through all the trouble to..?

"Killuba.. meet our beautiful daughter Mara." Gon said while using his mer-magic to uncover something wrapped up in his arms.

I gasped and felt my face become full of a smile.

In his arms was a little female baby mermaid. She had Snow White hair like me and green eyes. Her scales were a beautiful pitch black, and they shimmered in the sunlight. She also had many fins along her arms and neck, leaving her to almost look like a beautiful beta fish.

"Gon i- how did you manage to get her?" I asked with amazement and could feel my fatherly love for her growing bigger by the minute.

"Well, there was a mother down in the old coral reef I used to live in, and she had multiple children. She doesn't have the stability to take care of them, so she contacted me. Telling me that we'd make perfect parents for her." Gon explained and it all made sense.

Suddenly our little girl started to squeal and giggle at the touch of Gon's fingers around her. And I cooed. Gon then let me hold her and I held her safely against my chest in a cradling position.

"Our sweet little tear drop.. she will be the most beautiful girl in the world I can already tell." I say affectionately and nuzzled my nose against her smaller one.

"Don't let Biskey hear you say that!" Gon joked and I wheezed at his joke.

But I couldn't believe it! A child of our own is right now in my arms.

"Mara, don't ever forget, we loved you.." I whispered and kissed her cheek.

She giggled again and reached her little stubby hands up to my cheeks and squished them together. Which made Gon laugh now.

An hour later I sat on the sand with Gon asleep on my lap with Mara in his arms. I looked down at my family and sniffed.

"I can finally have a family again.."


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