𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 14

310 17 11

Killua pov

Gon had just left the docks now, and I was walking back to the tree line with Leorio. I was looking down to the ground and rubbed my arm a little.

"Killua. Somethings wrong.. is it with your family? Because you don't need to be concerned with them anymore, you are staying with me." Leorio said and he stopped walking.

I kept my head down though and didn't respond. I was also going to continue walking away to avoid the question, but Leorio immediately grabbed my arm. He made me face up to him, and I was surprised to see the worry in his eyes.

"Killua talk to me please!! I'm worried about you can't you see that?! Before you said that you never had any friends but... Killua can't you see that I'm your friend?!!! I care about you!! I'm so worried Killua, ever since you came to my place that one night... and you told me about your family mistreating you, I knew that I had to protect you!!" Leorio suddenly cried out and I was surprised.

Leorio considered me his friend? I thought I was just the kid he only hung around to not hurt my feelings.. but he really actually considered me his friend? Even family?

"Leorio I... I'm so sorry I never realized... I was just so blind in rage and sadness from my home life that I never realized that you... actually considered me your friend.. I only kept telling myself that you didn't consider me one because... I just feel I wouldn't be worth it.." I say with sadness all over my face now.

Leorio frowned and he kneeled down to be at my height. He also hugged me close and cried a little.

"Killua of course you are worth it!!! Friends are always here for you.. and if your family said otherwise then they are obviously even more insane than I thought.." Leorio then had be look him in the eye, "now you listen to me... anything your family has said to you is all lies!! Think of Gon ok? Remember he makes you so happy! Gon has proved one thing to you Killua, that friends are worth it, and you are worthy for friends..." Leorio told me.

To that I started to tear up and I sobbed a little.

"I-I can't believe I've been so blind!! It's like my family completely took away my sight of what truly matters!!" I sobbed and wiped my eyes, "what matters is that there are people like you and Gon who care, and that's all I need to be happy!" I sobbed and Leorio smiled a little.

He hugged me close to him again and rubbed my back.

"Hey hey it's going to be ok... we'll see Gon again tomorrow and maybe we can skip school to go see him so you can have some extra time with him alright? I know you love beiGn around him.." Leorio said happily and I nodded.

"Ya that would be great! Gon honestly is my everything." I told Leorio while we just reached his station wagon.

When inside Leorio started up the vehicle and headed back towards his place.

I was happy, but then a pit formed in my stomach. There was one thing for sure I was haunted by currently. It wasn't anything of mine..

"Killua what's up?" Leorio asked as he seemed to notice my weird change of mood.

"O-oh I'm fine it's just.. I'm worried. Next Monday, what if Ging... doesn't want to come? What if he breaks Gons precious little heart??" I say with more concern taking me over.

"Killua I.. I've had the same worries myself. But I have a feeling that maybe he isn't as much of a coward anymore.. I just can sense that maybe things will go differently for them this time." Leorio said and I agreed with him.

Hopefully Ging has changed... because Gon needs him. He needs him more than ever..

Gon pov

I was at home now after a long day of hunting, swimming, and talking with Killua and Leorio. It was fun though! I'm just a little tuckered out that's all. Well as in home I mean that small little cave. I still haven't gone back to my Aunt. And I refuse to. I know that's people deserve to be forgiven, and forgiveness is important. But.. for this situation I was just so angry.

Suddenly the words she had said to me that night echoed through my mind again like a flash of light.

"Gon... this better not have anything to do with finding your father!!! You should know better!! He's never coming back!! That man never cared about you!!! He left you for a reason!!! You are a mistake to him!!"

Tears wound up in my eyes again from it and I curled up into a little ball. The cave floor was cold, but I didn't care at the moment. Anger was coming out of me now too and I punched the ground as hard as I could multiple times. My knuckles once again bled quite a bit. But I didn't give a single care in the world for it.

I screamed too with all of the emotions I had built up coming out. It echoed through the trench that was below the cave, and beyond. The trench had always scared me. Now it has become my place to be set free.

I was sitting up now and looking at my bleeding knuckles. But I heard slight swishing and I turned to see a little fish swim up next to me. I was going to just kill it and save it to eat but I stopped myself when I saw it's features. It looked so... sad..

The fins were torn and almost seemed shredded, I'm surprised it can even still swim. It's scales too were pretty scratched up and scarred. What affected me the most was it's dull white eyes. It was severely blind..

"You're having trouble just like me.. huh.." I say and the little fish didn't budge.

It moved though after a few minutes of silence. It swam around me three times and it went up to my hand that was resting in my lap. The little fish then nudged it a little and a smile came on my face. Even with no eye sight, it can still truly see what's out there..

Without anything else, the little fish swam out of the cave. I watched it's little shadow disappear down deep in the trench. That's why it's blind.. but still it's fighting to live. Even with a horrible curse such as no eye sight.

I should think like that little fish.. even with the worst of problems and scenarios going on, I still need to keep living. I need to keep going and finding what I truly treasure. Even if I were cursed, I could still keep my head up. Aunt Mito actually taught me that a long time ago. My eyes didn't really open to it until just now.

"I-ill go back home in a few days.." I mumbled to myself with a slight smile.

I couldn't hide forever.

While many thoughts still racing through my head, I curled up again. I had the fins of my tail cover my face slightly and I yawned. I was exhausted from today.. and obviously just screaming and punching the ground didn't probably help. But I'm ok now.. I'll be ok...

With that, I fell asleep. My slumber was peaceful today, and I could go without having a nightmare. I wanted to just get some good rest for tomorrow!

I wonder when I'll actually meet my father..

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