ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 կՅ

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Killua pov
One month later...

Today I woke up to the sun shining through my window and I yawned. I was going to go into the bathroom to see Gon but then I remembered... he went to go visit with Mito, Kurapika, and Ging early this morning. He said he missed them a lot, and wanted to catch up with them.

Lately things have been getting chill. But I noticed that the mermaids have been getting sucked into human life. I found out from Ging on the phone that Kurapika actually can get human legs too. And he recently got a job somewhere... I'm not sure why he wants human money. But to each their own.

Mito is still staying hidden in the pool, but she has been starting to look on the internet. Like Ging let's her look on his laptop and she's obsessed with online shopping. I'm not sure I like things this way... it just feels wrong. It's almost like their culture is being vacuumed away from them. Honestly, it breaks my heart just to see them change this much. I don't want them getting into deep trouble in the human world.. or building up a reputation. Because then they won't be able to escape.

"Killua... you seem down in the dumps. What's up?"

I shot up when I noticed that Leorio was in my bedroom doorway. Making me shrug. I still lived with Leorio, and I don't plan on going back to my family ever. They wouldn't even want me back anyways...

"Well, I'm just worried about Gon, and the mermaids in general. They are being sucked into our society, and I just feel that it's wrong. I don't want them to lose their cultural spark Y'know? I just hope that one day the ocean will be safe again.." I explained my feelings to Leorio and he nodded.

"I understand your concerns Killua... honestly I feel the same. But then again we can't control them. If they want to take part in the human world then that's their choice but-."

I suddenly cut Leorio off.

"Gon.... I will never let him take too much part with the human world. Because he means so much to me... I can't lose him to this awful society." I say while almost on the verge of tears.

Leorio frowned then and he sat next to me on the bed.

"Hey... it'll be ok... Gon is a strong boy. I believe he'll be alright, but we do still need to protect him from those creeps out there." Leorio said with a sigh coming out afterwards.

I agreed and got off the bed.

"Well anyways, I'll be going out to see where Gon is at. Ging's place isn't too far from here, so he should be heading back right about now." I say before walking out of my room, leaving Leorio who had a frown still on his face.

When I left his apartment, I headed down the stairs of the complex. It was pretty warm out, so I rolled up my sleeves to  prevent from getting too hot. Around that time when I finished I had already left the parking lot and noticed the straight path to the beach. I decided to go down it, thinking maybe Gon would be around there somewhere.

I was correct and saw him off in the distance. He was standing in front of the waves and letting the water run over his feet. His hair blew in the wind while he stared off to the horizon.

I was going to go run out to him, but something seemed off. I could just tell by his posture... that he was feeling empty. He was completely still, not moving a single muscle.

That's when I noticed that his hands went into fists. He now had tears running down his face. W-why was he crying?! Was he hurt??

Suddenly, he turned his legs to his tail. And he dove into the water. I gasped and screamed, trying to call out to him... but he was gone... his scales weren't visible, it was just dark blue water. Now my whole body shook and I fell onto my knees.

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