𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 29

197 14 11

??? Pov

I awoke feeling dizzy, and slightly pained in my stomach. What was happening to me.. one thing I know is I'm in the ocean, swimming freely. Then the next I wake up here in some... huge tank? I looked at my surroundings to see that the tank was centered in a laboratory. So that's why I was caught.. I was being tested.

But why? What do these mysterious people want from me? I just wanted to be free again. I probably wouldn't be able to convince them well enough..

Suddenly a group of around five people in lab coats walked in. They pressed a few buttons on a giant board of keys in front of my tank. The water became so cold, and I was unable to move.. what was this?!

"So... if your going to make this so called army of mermaid creatures... will you name them?" Said a female who stood to the left.

"A name is unnecessary. But at the same time it would be easier to identify them.. I have had one in mind." The man who stood in the very front said and smirked up to me.

I wanted to escape, I would have already attacked if it weren't for this weird control they had over the water.

"What do you have in mind?" Asked the same female who spoke before.

She seemed rather pale.. making me question if she had ever left this laboratory in the first place.

"I was thinking for this one.. Meruem.." the man said and he looked up to me again.

That wasn't my name! How dare they treat me as some sort of pet!! I felt so much anger and rage, that I managed to scream and move a little bit.

The group of scientists laughed at my struggle to fight back and pressed a few more buttons. The water became even more freezing than before, and I couldn't move again.

"Let's get the transformation process started.. put some insect DNA in there, and human genetics too. We need it to be intelligent.." the man up front ordered before walking away with his group.

The female remained left behind and once again used the large board of buttons to control whatever was happening in the tank. Suddenly two tubes went sinking into my arms, and I felt weird liquids and gases being put into me. It hurt... it hurt so much.

The water became warm, way too hot.

I screamed when I felt my genetics being laced with whatever other DNA they were putting in. It was the worst pain I could ever imagine. I could see in the reflection of the glass, that I was changing. My skin was becoming a light green color, and my eyes turned to a violet purple. Along with that, the lobes of my ears extended downward. Making them longer.

My joints and shoulders also separated and I noticed that I looked much like an insect now. But mixed with both mermaid and human. My mermaid tail remained, but it changed colors as well. My scales turned green and purple. And a big needle came out of the bottom of my tail. Almost like a weapon..

The pain was still getting much worse, and my hair began to fall out.. in replacement.. a shell much like a hat covered my head.

The transformation was far from done, I could feel it. But I knew now that my fate was going to change. I was no longer who I used to be. Not only was my appearance changing, but so was my personality.

Throughout the pain I managed to laugh and cry at the same time. When I thought of mermaids... I thought of food. I thought of becoming stronger, and gaining so much more power!

The female from before still stood in front of the tank and sadly set her hand onto the glass.

"I'm sorry Meruem.. or whatever your real name is... nobody deserves this pain. But we need your help ok?" She said and I couldn't even respond because I just kept crying and laughing.

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