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Pitou pov

Those damn kids were so annoying. Especially the human one. All he wanted to do was get in my way. Luckily though I'm starting to learn how to gain human legs pretty easily. So once I master that... I'll find them both and slaughter them.

"Still thinking about those stupid kids?"

I looked up when I heard Youpi speak and I shrugged.

"I'm just thinking about how I'll demolish them in an instant. Their blood will drench my scales. I can promise you that.." I hissed deeply.

"Be careful now... we aren't just three royal guards anymore out here. We have an army of over a thousand soldiers. We can't abandon our posts just for some crappy kids that happened to piss you off. So move on from it already... also Meruem is due to arrive any day." Youpi pointed out. Which was a good point actually.

"You're right.. We all need to focus on preparing for our king to arrive. We have the army already, and the renovations on the ship wreck should be complete now. At this point all we need is an objective, a goal." I say while rubbing my chin.

"Well, I know that we have to gather enough mermaids for Meruem to eat. That way he can gain more strength faster. Not only that, but we have to stay clear of any more humans. We cannot risk them getting anymore involved with our operation." He said next, and I nodded.

"Indeed. I agree with you strongly. But remember well that humans are just weak little roaches we can squash in an instant." I scowled to him.

"Then explain the fact that a human boy stood up to you and didn't back down..." Youpi cut me off with that.

I paused to think about it. That mermaid boy... Gon I believe his name was... is a threat to us strongly. But that human boy... Killua. He's even more so. With the amount of energy coming from him, I wouldn't be surprised if he could explode an entire bay in one sitting.

"Sorry to interrupt everyone. But I have something to inform you of."

We both turned to see Pouf swimming up out of the ship wreck where we currently had our soldiers stowed away safely.

"What may that be?" I responded rather simply.

"Meruem is on the way. I can sense it. Cant you?" Pouf asked and his gills flared a little.

I froze when I felt exactly what he was talking about. I could just sense the amount of power zooming through the water around us, even though he's miles and miles away.. we better prepare fast!

"Ok, you both know what to do! Line up the troops, and get them in a proper respectful formation. Youpi you can handle that I'm pretty sure. Pouf you can go make sure the throne room we made is clean and free of any pests or garbage. I on the other hand will wait for him from my post atop the mast. That way I can welcome him warmly." I explained the plan to everyone, making me see them agree.

The two male mermaids then went zooming off down into the ship wreck to do as they were told. I also went on top of the mast and looked down to the sea floor below. Fish swam by quickly, and crabs scattered all over the sand.

Those two boys now cannot get any closer than they already have. From the power I sensed, they could destroy our empire. But that just means I'll have to train harder, and prepare his majesty as well just in case. With his amount of power.... Meruem could take out all of New York City in an instant.

Gon pov

I sat in the kiddie pool currently that was in the living room, and I looked up at the ceiling. I felt so weird. Why did Killua freak out so much the other day about me going into the ocean? I was only going to go get some shells for him... honestly I think he has some abandonment fears. From hearing about how his family is, I'm not surprised by it. Leorio told me many stories of how his family would beat him, throw him out, and neglect him. So the dots all connect...

"Hey Leorio?" I say, and looked over to where Leorio sat on the couch.

He froze and looked over to where I swam in the little kiddie pool. Well, there was barely any room to swim I'd say.. so I'll change that to 'sitting there'.

"What's up bud?" Leorio asked in response.

I hesitated, but knew that I couldn't get an answer to my question without even asking. Common logic really...

"Well, why... did Killua freak out the other day about me going in the ocean for a short moment? I'm so confused as to why he got so worried..." I sighed while looking down to my tail.

Leorio frowned and he closed one of the books he was reading.

"Listen he... Killua loves you so much. He cares about you more than anything, even more than himself. Everyday he talks to me about you and tells me all these stories with you in them. He just doesn't want to lose you... Y'know? He's told me so many times that you are all he has left. And you are all he needs to survive... he loves you bud, he really does." Leorio explained and I was surprised.

"He cares about me that much? Wow... Killua is a loving person I've noticed. And I'm happy to know he likes me around. For the longest time I thought I was just a nuisance and a waste of space here.." I opened up about my past emotions.

To that, the taller man on the couch shook his head and gulped.

"Gon you were never a nuisance in the first place... why do you think we saved you at the aquarium? Why did we protect you from the weird creatures taking over the ocean? It's because we love you little buddy... and nothin will ever change that." Leorio smiled to me, in response I also grinned to him.

"Thanks Leorio, I love you guys too!! Just... I don't want Killua to worry as much anymore... because one day he might go too far with his concern and go out into the ocean on his own." I said and rubbed off some of my tears.

Leorio sighed and he adjusted his glasses a little.

"Hey it's ok for Killua to worry about you, he just needs to learn his limits on how far he goes." Leorio explained, and I agreed.

That's when an idea popped up in my head.

"Hey Leorio... Killua has protected me, loved me, and has given me everything I've ever needed. Now that I think about it, I have an idea... could you help me?" I asked and Leorio smiled.

"Well, what's your idea bud?"

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