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Pitou pov

I sat alongside the other royal guards outside of the ship wreck, wondering where the hell Meruem was. He should have arrived days ago... did something already happen to him? It couldn't be. He was born with too much power to be lost instantly.

"I can tell you are concerned Pitou, and why is that?"

I snapped out of my trance to see Youpi had noticed my stare into the distance. In response I just sighed.

"I'm just hoping nothing happened to Meruem, if he has already perished then we are doomed." I said with my eyes widening at all the possibilities.

"Must be worried about those god damn kids coming in." Pouf chuckled, causing me to zoom over to him. Youpi though had to hold me back from beating the shit out of him.

"I could care less about those twerps you hear me?!!" I growled. My ears were bent back in an angry manner, with my pupils growing smaller.

Pouf raised his hands in surrender, but a smug smirk was still on his face. So I left it with a slap to his face, then I swam away from him. By the shipwreck there was a large pile of boulders and rocks, with moss growing off of them. Lots of little fish swam around there, I'm guessing this was their home in the rocks.

Out of spite, I grabbed a few fish in my claws. Then I killed them and I dropped their smashed forms into the sand. Little rodents.. I wonder what gave them the courage to remain here.

But out of no where, the water became very warm. A rush of energy went through the currents, and I realized... he was here!!

"Everyone!! Into your places! Our king has arrived!!" I shouted out.

Youpi and Pouf had the army get into position in front of the ship wreck, while I stayed in front of them. When the other two finished their business, they joined me at my side in front of our army as well.

The atmosphere around us then became very dark, and the current came to a halt. The water was still, almost frozen. It was no longer warm to the touch, now it was freezing cold.

I squinted my eyes a little to look farther out, and I saw him... Meruem. He swam about 20 ft away from us. His tail was strong, and was colored green and purple. His eyes glowed a bright magenta as he looked into our eyes. Even me... the strongest out of this lot, was terrified of his presence.

He zoomed over to us with his tail flicking through the water with ease. When he reached us though, he glared down to all of us. I ushered for everyone to bow, and we did.

"So, you are my pleasant followers hm?"

His voice was very deep, and I could just sense the massive power coming from him.

"Yes my king, we are your followers... we will serve you, and only you." I say to him, which made him smirk.

"Good..." he mumbled before leaning against a rock beside us. "I'm sorry about my late arrival by the way. You've probably noticed I have lots of power within me. I used the first two days I got out to eat as many mermaids as I could. I've eaten more than you have here in the army alone. So I promise you, nothing will be stopping us now." Meruem said smugly.

"It's good you got the power your majesty, but what is our next step?" Pouf asked.

In response Meruem chuckled with his smile growing bigger.

"Why not go have some fun first... I would love to... destroy some humans." Meruem said while rubbing his hands together.

"Wait humans? But we can't have them getting involved, they could cause our down fall!" Pouf shouted back.

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