𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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Killua POV

I was yet again in my last class of the day. And I couldn't bear to wait anymore. I wanted to go meet maybe this potential mermaid that had been watching me. I'm usually not into this kind of stuff. But those curious eyes.. for some reason they drew me towards the matter more. It's interesting...

The teacher was explaining something about fractions while I peered out the classroom window. The sky was blue, with a few clouds dotting the horizon.

Will that possible mermaid be back there today? I did read that they tend to be consistent with hunting grounds and locations. So maybe I could see it again.. but what if it isn't what I thought it was? What if this was all for nothing?

My increasing anxiety was starting to take over when suddenly the bell rang.

To that, I quickly packed up my things and rushed out of the school building.  I also tried to get to the beach faster than usual. I was so intrigued..

While almost to a slight sprint, I saw the distant waters of the beach through the trees. I was relieved that I had gotten there in a good ten minutes. I can run pretty fast after all.

I kept running until I saw Leorio already waiting by the path that lead to the docks. His jagged hair slightly blew in the now increasing gusts of wind.

"Well someone's excited I can see.. I came here early so I could stop you from doing anything stupid." Leorio scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Well old man, I'm smarter than you think! I don't think this mermaid is dangerous! It's eyes.. had curiosity.." I say the last part more quietly and Leorio almost had to lean in to hear.

"What if it isn't a mermaid though?" Leorio mentioned.

I sighed in response, knowing that was coming.

"I've been thinking about that too.. it probably isn't.. I could be freaking out over nothing.." I say, realizing I'm probably mistaken.

Leorio shrugged and we walked to the docks now. We both sat down and watched the incoming waves. Below us, smaller fish swam around frantically in the water. It was so peaceful.. this is why this beach is my favorite place in town. It gives me this sense of relaxation, reassurance, and even spirituality.

"Y'know.. when I was little I was always so fascinated by mythical creatures. I believed they were real for so long. But of course I've grown older and moved on but now.. it's all coming back." Leorio said with a slight smile and I nodded.

"Same here.. I was the type to collect all the Pokémon cards and believed they would come to life. I also believed in dragons a little too harshly. But it did no harm." I say with a slight chuckle and Leorio did the same.

"Heh, childhood... always something I've cherished. It was when nobody judged you for who you were. All you had was innocence, and your toys were your friends that were in your own stories.." Leorio said and I tilted my head.

"Are you trying to make this a life lesson or..?" I say causing Leorio to laugh.

"Oh no no.. it's just nice to think back to it." Leorio said while taking off his shoes and putting his feet into the salty ocean water.

I decided to do the same and my bare feet touched the cold water. It was nice..

While sitting I suddenly heard a splash, causing my head to shoot up.


Gon pov

It was now late afternoon, I had slept in a little. Probably due to all the swimming I did yesterday.. well it's good for my tail so I'm not complaining!

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