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Gon pov

I was heading home now, with a sad feeling in my stomach. I hated to see Leorio and Kurapika fight. They were two of my closest friends and I wanted them to get along. Obviously I couldn't force it but.. I knew they really cared about each other. Especially based off of Leorio's worry he had for Kurapika earlier.

While swimming I saw someone in the distance.. it was my Aunt Mito?! What was she doing all the way out here?!

"Aunt Mito!!!!" I cried out for her and she turned to see me not that far away.

She covered her mouth at the sight of me and zoomed towards me before embracing me tightly.

"Gon!!! You had me so worried!! I thought you were killed!! I told you to stay away from humans!!" She sobbed out and I raised a brow at what she said last.

"Wait.. what do you mean?" I asked after we finished hugging.

She sighed and leaned against a big piece of coral next to us.

"Gon, while you went missing, I was searching everywhere for you. I even went far North to look for you.. I went miles and miles.. but I came across a boat. There's no need to explain.. I met your human friends and... Ging. They were looking for you too." Mito said with a shrug and a little frustration in her voice.

"Aunt Mito I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about them. I was scared you'd take me away from them.... they make me so happy!! Especially Killua! I love him so much!! I wanna mate with him, I want to be with him forever!!" I cried out and covered my mouth.

Damnit I exposed myself..

My aunt became confused, then angry, then sad.

"Gon I understand they make you happy.. but look what happened. Humans captured you. And you almost died. Kurapika told me the whole story a little before you arrived. He's already long gone into the deep but he told me enough. You cannot mate with a human... first of all your very young. Second, he's a human!!! Have you not learned your lesson already.. look what happened to your mom when she mated with a human.." Aunt Mito said and I began to cry at her words.

She still didn't get it?! Not all humans are the same!! How could she not see the good in my human friends the other day? They saved my life!

"Aunt Mito you don't understand!! Not all humans are the same! Your just like Kurapika! Your blaming the whole human race for something that only a group of ignorant humans did. These ones are different.. and I don't care what you say, I will mate with Killua when I'm older!! I really like him!! I want to have a family with him! Me and him could adopt and we could raise a child! Wouldn't that be amazing?" I say, with my Aunt now wide eyed.

She frowned and looked down to the sand below her. There were some small schools of fish swimming by along with a few crabs scampering to find shelter for the night. While I waited for my Aunt to respond I saw a little crab trying to get up a rock into a hole but it couldn't do it.

So I picked it up gently into my hands and placed it into the hole. The little crab thanked me with a few snaps of its claws before disappearing into the hole.

Aunt Mito smiled at what I did and finally spoke.

"You're right.. I shouldn't be blaming the entirety of human kind for what happened to your mother and you.. I just would hate to see you get taken away again. I don't want you to lose your life. But now that I look back, those human friends of yours were much like you.. adventurous, kind, joyful, and overall good people. I shouldn't have over looked all of that because of a past event.." she paused and tears went all over her cheeks, "Gon I... I would love to see you mate with Killua, you two really fit. Just I said no before because again I just can't trust the human kind.. but you've proved to me that maybe I should give them a second chance.." she told me with a slight smile.

I grinned happily and hugged her.

She's changing and I really appreciate it. She's been so closed minded to humans for her entire life, maybe Leorio and Killua can change that. Ging too!! Speaking of which, I did talk to Ging while we were waiting for Kurapika earlier, and we are going to meet tomorrow alone in the north side of the beach. It was where he apparently wanted to speak to me.. I'm not sure why but, maybe he wanted to catch up or something.

"You should give them a second chance!! Oh you should come with me to meet them tomorrow at the docks! They are so fun! You would laugh so much at how Kurapika and Leorio argue, it's hilarious! Oh and you can play fun splashing games with me and Killua!! Maybe you can talk with Ging too!!" I cheered and swam around with a little too much energy.

Mito chuckled at my enthusiasm and shrugged her shoulders.

"I'd love to meet them but.. not now. I still need to think over some things and gain more of that trust back. But they sound fun and I'd love to still meet them again one day." She told me and I nodded.

That's when my mind went back to when she said that she bumped into them while I was missing...

"Wait.. what happened when you met them while I was gone...?" I asked.

My aunt started to swim back home with me while she came up with her answer.

"Well... Ging swam out to me and I argued with him.. but he convinced me to be at peace with them so your other friends came out. Killua and Leorio I believe you said their names are. And they were worried sick.. the one named Killua from what I saw was the most worried about you.. when he saw your satchel torn and covered in blood he.. screamed. He just screamed your name begging for you to come back." She said with a sad blink.

I frowned at what she said and turned away to look out to the ocean horizon.

"I never knew that Killua cared about me that much.. I mean he always said that he loves me and cares for me but- for some reason bad thoughts in the back of my head only told me he did it out of spite and pity. But now I realize that he really does care..."I said and realization filled my brain.

How could I be so blind to his care.. tomorrow I will thank him a million times and then kiss him. He would become a flustered little kitty but I love it when he does!! He's so cute and his little smile makes me happy!!

"Well, we should probably get inside now. It's late and the water is freezing now. So let's get some sleep ok?" She said and led me inside of our cave.

I missed our home and breathed in the water. It helped me feel refreshed.

After eating a few fish and wishing Aunt Mito Goodnight, I went into my room. I then flung myself onto my sea sponge bed and looked up to the stone cave ceiling.

While thinking I took out something from my pocket. It was Killua's pocket knife.. it had a black and blue grip with a really cool rainbow blade. His creativity was truly beyond anything I could imagine. His pocket knife fell in the water and I grabbed it but forgot to return it. Oh well I'll just give it to him tomorrow!

I was glad to have it though because it smelled like him and I sniffed it. I wasn't trying to be creepy just I already missed him. I then gently kissed the knife and set it aside so I could sleep.

Goodnight Killuba, I luv chu!

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